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Glasgow Meet - Saturday June 11th 2011

This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.
we will need to do it again it was nice meeting you all one was wondering around november december time before its gets too busy for christmas maybe meeting up again for a panto or the pictures or something of sorts..... oh bad word thinking of christmas and we havent got the summer holidays out of the way yet😱:D
Wow, can't believe this was only a week ago, still buzzing from the experience of meeting such lovely people 🙂 If you get a chance to go to one of these meets, please do, it's a real tonic! 🙂

Yep Alan, it wa soo good meeting everyone 🙂
we will need to do it again it was nice meeting you all one was wondering around november december time before its gets too busy for christmas maybe meeting up again for a panto or the pictures or something of sorts..... oh bad word thinking of christmas and we havent got the summer holidays out of the way yet

Sounds like a great idea Fiona I can't do November/December time (too near my exams which are at the beginning of December, I need all the study time I can get 😱) but we will have another one 🙂.

PS I have already got quite a few Christmas presents :D 😉
Wish I could have made it - and so many of you just a stones through away - Cumbernauld, east Kilbride - a shopping trip away for me!
OK if November/December is out for Carol - how about the last Saturday in October at the Counting House in Glasgow

It is central for everyone - a lunch together - and some shopping.....

Let me know wha you think
count me in....lunch and christmas shopping and brfore the shops get too 😡(i live in hope)
OK if November/December is out for Carol - how about the last Saturday in October at the Counting House in Glasgow

It is central for everyone - a lunch together - and some shopping.....

Let me know wha you think

Sounds like a good plan :D my two favourite passtimes eating and shopping LOL
that's it official - posted on Facebook
Does the station in glasgow have a name? just im looking at ideas for ticket prices.obviosuly im too early atm

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Glasgow Central rail station - Steff that would be great if you can manage along
Thanks Hazel, is that the same as Queen Street......

Two different stations Steffie, Glasgow Central is the main one for most routes. Queen Street Station is mostly for routes coming from North/East Scotland, hth 🙂
Hate to disagree - Steff if you are travelling up from the the north east of England - you will come up via Edinburgh - which takes you to Queen Street - which is only 2 minutes to theb Counting House
Have been meaning to post since the meet which I missed having hoped to get there when it was first suggested. It sounded like a great event. :D

I am glad to say that the exam papers which stopped me coming, have now been marked and posted back and are on their way to Edinburgh as I write. -----And even better than that, I had an assignement which I didn't expect to get the results for till August (the lecturer said she wouldn't get round to them before she went on holiday), but I got a letter to say it was satisfactory (though the result still needs ratified by the exam board) whcih means I can go on holiday knowing I will not come back to a letter telling me to rewrite bits of it. 😎
another one lol i be there
Twinnie did I miss the piccies your sis was sorting hun ?
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.