Girls only please, sorry guys!!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just wondering - Does diabetes affect your fertility and or your monthlies?

or visa versa

Does monthlies / pregnancy affect your BS levels?
Oh yes! Aunty arrives, sugars go through the roof for the first day or two. Sigh! And there's the craving for chocolate and other sweet stuff I get at that time of the month, that's so hard to resist. Add my advancing years into the mix and you get a nuclear explosion waiting to happen. 😡😱:D
Excellent lol :'( does it never stop pouring!! Aunt urma can go and stay with someone else because i dont want her here!! 😱
hi i did'nt know this till last week but yes it can affect ferility and as for monthlys my sugars shoot up 99% of the time x
not trying ot be disgusting but ... i was fairly ill yesterday and i came on yesterday could this be why i felt rubbish - instead of something i had eaten.
not trying ot be disgusting but ... i was fairly ill yesterday and i came on yesterday could this be why i felt rubbish - instead of something i had eaten.

you never know, did this always happen before the diagnosis?

because last week I had period pain so bad I was shaking, white as a ghost and I was physically sick a few times. The symptoms did make it feel like I was hypo some of the time.
no not really - had fairly good periods, bad pain but nothing like a hyper or hypo

Cant comment on the motherly-ness but i know children are stressfull (i work with them!) and stress tends to push up the sugar levels!

but my sugar levels are always that little bit on the high side when its that time of the month...also i am so much more sensitive to my needles! 😱 does anyone else experience this??
Def more sensitive to things (can't recommend waxing at that time o' the month!! 😱), but personally I find my sugar levels go down (to be awkward!!) while I'm on... possibly because I seem to get a mad carb craving the few days before, then hardly hungry at all whilst on! It does mean my normal background dose just isn't quite right for 1-2 weeks of the month! :(

And as for when you're preg... well, lets just say that's when it gets really interesting!! 🙄 I think it's because the hormones all interact a bit... fun!
not sure about the pregnant thing

but when i erm "fall to the communists" bloods tend to be fine. cramps have gotten worse though. only downside is i cant really have that amazing cookie dough ice cream to sooth the hard time that is being a woman! :(
I use a pump and have it set so that mid way through the month I can switch to a different pattern, as my basal and ratio requirements all change. Took me ages to realise that was the problem with my readings going doolally every couple of weeks.
Can't comment on pregnancy, but my cycle totally messes up my BS (& my moods, according to OH!). My cycles are quite irregular, so I find it hard to change basal pattern ahead of time. BS rise a bit when I ovulate. Then a couple of days before period, my BS drop (think I'm the only person who experiences this!) and when I'm on, they're significantly higher. Great fun! My advice would be - try to get in tune with your body & notice patterns, but don't stress out about it too much. Certainly in my experience it's only a few days of the month that my BS are out.

Definatley more sensitive at time of the month (both mentally and physically). I def feel pain more at totm. My sugars dont tend to rise that much but I do crave carbohydrate/starchy food such as pasta, bread etc.
Hi Can't comment of that now- because haven't any visits for about 18 months now (GREAT):D, but didn't notice any big changes with my sugars before that. I suppose we are all different and our bodies react in different ways- hang on to your hats girls when the menopause comes- it's a wowser😱 Sheena
my periods don't affect my sugars as far as I'm aware but when you're pregnant they're all over the place
Def more sensitive to things (can't recommend waxing at that time o' the month!! 😱), but personally I find my sugar levels go down (to be awkward!!) while I'm on... possibly because I seem to get a mad carb craving the few days before, then hardly hungry at all whilst on! It does mean my normal background dose just isn't quite right for 1-2 weeks of the month! :(

And as for when you're preg... well, lets just say that's when it gets really interesting!! 🙄 I think it's because the hormones all interact a bit... fun!

Waxing - URGH GOD! thats painful at any time of the month not only when aunt urma is around!!
Im lucky then! I was sterilised when i was 23/24 then my periods were heavier than having my head chopped off then i had a hysterectomy when i was 32 but i still get terrible period pain without the bleeding but my levels are normal.
My step mum was born wihtout a womb, and she still swears she gets period pains, i never really believed her before but now you have said it maybe i was wrong to think she was lying :confused:
I get more pain now than i did before
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