Girl refused help for hypo because of her school uniform

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that it absolutely disgusting behaviour, but just shows the mentality and pettiness of some people in this world!! the poor girl could have ended up in hospital!!
Update on story

Today's Echo reports that the shop has now lifted its ban on the schoolchildren. They can now go in no more than two at a time, and leave their bags outside. This is far more sensible, and used to be common practice way back when I was a schoolkid in the '70s! 🙂
Must have been an idiot behind the counter :confused:
Even if they have had problems with kids from that school, did they really think the assistant from the other shop was messing around as well??

What a bunch of planks.😡

I would have rung for an ambulance and when it arrived told the paramedics that I'd had to call them out because the morons in the shop refused to let me have a sugary drink for the girl that was hypo.
Some commenters have suggested that there were other shops in the vicinity, but to my mind her frightened friends would have gone to the nearest place, not knowing how long they may have, and once there would not want to give up and gos somewhere else whilst there was a chance that their first choice might still work. All the time getting more and more urgent in their minds. To suggest they do a tour of all possibilities whilst their friend is suffering is to completely fail to recognise the seriousness of the situation in her friend's eyes.
I'm still up for the mass hypo in the shop. Time to dig out my suit and school tie!
I read all the rest of the posts last night and it made me even more angry. To suggest that it was her fault in the first place because she didn't have any fast acting sugar on her and that she basically got what she deserved is appauling. I'm sure all the people who wrote such comments have never forgotten anything important in their lives 🙄 (yeah right) :( x
Some people were being really vicious to her mother too when she came on to explain further. I've often found that these newspaper comments are very poorly moderated - most of those wouldn't have got past me! 😡
Yes I think if I were her I wouldn't want to know what stupid things people were saying. I don't think I'll be looking at it again because I can imagine there are even more silly comments than last time I looked. x
Love the new picture Emma, saw it on FB the other day - she is such a cutie! :D

Awh thank you, yes she is 😉 I've got this photo developed for my mum actually so she can have it on her desk at work x
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