Getting to and from the hospital, Age UK

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Much missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I think I've posted before that some people can get hospital transport for appointments. When I first used it it was mostly volunteers in ordinary saloon cars. Ocastionally a minibus/van driven by an "ambulance" person. At lease some say Ambulance on, even though they're not the medical thing, with a bed in the back. They have seats in the back.
More recently it's the "Ambulance" passenger transport vericals. Some time ago, and once this year it was a taxi for homeward journey|||||

Well, Age UK (? Concern?) will transport people to. The hospital arranged it for me today. Special small "van" with ramp for a wheel chair, and Age UK markings on it.
They also provide other, unrelated services for older people, like shopping I think.
I'm 56 (57 in december :()
Good that you got a lift @Ralph-YK, but it must have left you feeling somewhat elderly! 😉 I'd definitely qualify then at 61!
I think I've posted before that some people can get hospital transport for appointments. When I first used it it was mostly volunteers in ordinary saloon cars. Ocastionally a minibus/van driven by an "ambulance" person. At lease some say Ambulance on, even though they're not the medical thing, with a bed in the back. They have seats in the back.
More recently it's the "Ambulance" passenger transport vericals. Some time ago, and once this year it was a taxi for homeward journey|||||

Well, Age UK (? Concern?) will transport people to. The hospital arranged it for me today. Special small "van" with ramp for a wheel chair, and Age UK markings on it.
They also provide other, unrelated services for older people, like shopping I think.
I'm 56 (57 in december :()
I have just checked on their website it says available in some parts of the country, so it is not available every where!
Age concern, does the service around here as well, except it's done by volunteers using their own cars.
Clients pay so much a mile to cover costs and if on benefits you can claim this back from the hospital office.
We also have a scheme called rural transport which offers the same service at a slightly higher millage rate. Service is invaluable due to nearest hospital almost a 100 mile round trip.
Hospital sorted it for me this week, to get home, instead of Hospital Transport. Nothing was mentioned about paying. I am on benefits, though they didn't ask. This last year I've qualified to get hospital transport.
Oh, I should have said, for hospital transport, there is consideration of how easily you could get yourself there or back home. I was asked if I had family that could pick me up.
Hospital sorted it for me this week, to get home, instead of Hospital Transport. Nothing was mentioned about paying. I am on benefits, though they didn't ask. This last year I've qualified to get hospital transport.
Oh, I should have said, for hospital transport, there is consideration of how easily you could get yourself there or back home. I was asked if I had family that could pick me up.

good to know that there are a variety of options @Ralph-YK
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