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Gail 2 not 100%


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
AS you may have noticed from my post on waking average im not 100% mental health wise Have been stuggerling for a few days. Things are not bad bad but MH team have become involved and im on their books for a week this means daily visits/phone calls Hospital was mentioned but we both agreed that i dont need it at the moment need or want it. im having mild psychoses like sytoms (seeing hearing things). Im not ill ill but things are not right. I just need to sleep had 2 hours sleep last night and the night b4 i had none at all, b4 that im lucky if i got 2 hours a night
Both MH team and staff have been very kind in supporting me i dont know wot i have done to deserve such support
Forgive me i fear i may post on this thread a bit over coming days
Thankyou for your continued support
love gail
It is 1245 and I can't sleep I think it's going 2b a long night am think ING of asking MH team if I can have some lorazepam just a couple of days worth Have watched TV now have music on very low Amy Winehouse
i have decidered that its best if i only post here and the morning bg thread for a little while i hope you all understand and forgive me
i didt sleep at all last night sadly
take care all
love gail
i have decidered that its best if i only post here and the morning bg thread for a little while i hope you all understand and forgive me
i didt sleep at all last night sadly
take care all
love gail

Of course @gail2

Hope you get some sleep and are feeling much better soon :care:
Rooting for you Gail, hope you get some decent sleep and feel better soon :thankyou::care: xx
Post as much or as little as you want to Gail. As long as you know I understand that your MH takes priority and support your decisions.
Hope you can get a good night's sleep. Sending hugs and love xx
Thanks for being so understanding peeps
Sat night i didt sleep at all sunday was a very bad day full of bad things in my head cmht called
last night i sleep a bit better
Today i rang my MHN left a message for her, am going to ask to have a couple of days of Lorazepam just to help me out It did last time
seeing/hearing things that cant possibly be there at moment i can just about control it but need extra help
going to ask MH to come and see me
im ok just stuggerling a bit
Just wot i need got a letter from DWP a migration to UC letter i dont need it or understsnd it have untill 21st june to do it so staff have told me do it when you are better we will help you i fear i may not get the same as i do now thing is i worked for 30 years in some crappy jobs and paid mt ni/tax why cant i just be left alone I DONT NEED THIS sorry to be shouting
MHN sent message via receptionist saying shes busy today and on annual leave rest of the week. So i said cant wait i need help now so a duty worker is going to call me at some point today
As for UC letter spoke to manager Ann (not her real name) she helped me online wot a long winded proccess to do it online you have to open an account and we have an issue there as only proof of ID i have is my debit card so they are going to csll mein next couple of days im so stressed at mo and not well
I am so sorry you're going through such a stressful patch, Gail... Just take it one thing at a time. Right now - focus on you and your wellbeing, be kind to yourself <3 Post here, get in touch with MH services and do the things that give you genuine comfort, be that your music, a nice cup of tea or anything else. You mentioned you have three months to deal with the UC things so perhaps it's best to come back to this in a week or so? I sometimes find that it's easy to stress about something I feel 'looming over me' and think about it a lot, even if nothing can be done about it in the moment. What has helped me is setting 'an appointment' with that thing. For example if there's an annoying phone call I need to make, I tell myself I'll do it Thursday 3pm, which means until Thursday - I let go of it completely (out of sight and out of mind). Since I know it's on my to-do list and in the diary, I know I won't forget about it and it's no point in focusing on it right now. Not sure if this would help you, but it's always worth a shot. At the end of the day, it's sometimes about 'tricking ourselves'...
In the mean time - focus on you and if you need to rant here today or want to reach out via PM - please do so <3
I am so sorry you're going through such a stressful patch, Gail... Just take it one thing at a time. Right now - focus on you and your wellbeing, be kind to yourself <3 Post here, get in touch with MH services and do the things that give you genuine comfort, be that your music, a nice cup of tea or anything else. You mentioned you have three months to deal with the UC things so perhaps it's best to come back to this in a week or so? I sometimes find that it's easy to stress about something I feel 'looming over me' and think about it a lot, even if nothing can be done about it in the moment. What has helped me is setting 'an appointment' with that thing. For example if there's an annoying phone call I need to make, I tell myself I'll do it Thursday 3pm, which means until Thursday - I let go of it completely (out of sight and out of mind). Since I know it's on my to-do list and in the diary, I know I won't forget about it and it's no point in focusing on it right now. Not sure if this would help you, but it's always worth a shot. At the end of the day, it's sometimes about 'tricking ourselves'...
In the mean time - focus on you and if you need to rant here today or want to reach out via PM - please do so <3
thankyou for your kindness it means a lot to know i have the support of my online family EDITED ADD MORE i have given to ann my scooter keys im not sucidal dont get me wrong but i dont feel safe going out on it and given her my debit/credit card so i cant have a spending spree on it this is till friday
love gail
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Staff got a call about 450pm from mhn shes aranged a 3 day supply of Lorazepam to go to chemist tomorrow should be there by teatime Shes coming to see me next Monday when shes back. Any issues to ring the duty worker in office hours or MHT at all hours got a visit from them tomorrow Shes going to sort out something to help when im like this
At least shes done something on the day i contacted her unlike the last so called care-coordinator Think shes a keeper Am feeling pretty bad but i will beat this
Thanks for letting me post about this
another night no sleep i was wide awake evey time staff did their 2 hourly checks (they check on every resident every two hours) Im reaching point where its begining to affect me this lack of sleep walking like a drunk cow Having to think very carefully about wot i say and do Still the Lorazepam should come this evening that will help it did last time
Thanks to all who have liked with emojs etc my posts it helps me a lot you know
Feeling disjointed in my body/brain Had my visit
trying hard to sleep dont care where or when just need to sleep but i lay down and boom im wide awake withe seeing/hearing things still going on
Hope you get your Lorazepam prescription today and get some much needed sleep tonight.
I don't have any wise words to add to anything that's already been said.

I just wanted to add my voice to those that are rooting for you.
Adding my little voice to the others and hoping you can get some rest today and a good night's sleep tonight.<3