Funded dex g6 troubles

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Happy now! Its all been authorised according to an email from dexcom. No idea when i will get them yet, as not shipped.
Though in the meantime i have ordered a supply of libres, which i will keep as a back up in case this happens again, cos clearly i can't rely on the procurement process.
Now it has been authorised, you will not have any problems at all from Dexcom. Just make sure you note down to remind your DSN 10mths down the line that s/he needs to reauthorise the purchase for another 12 mths.
Now it has been authorised, you will not have any problems at all from Dexcom. Just make sure you note down to remind your DSN 10mths down the line that s/he needs to reauthorise the purchase for another 12 mths.
As i have already said, it was not my 12 months being up. It was a more generic issue, effecting everyone on my nhs area. My year does not expire til jan 24
As i have already said, it was not my 12 months being up. It was a more generic issue, effecting everyone on my nhs area. My year does not expire til jan 24
If you had read my post, you would have hopefully understood what I said to you.
No1 your trust mucked up = Dexcom sent out your first order and your trust did not pay as they were meant to. Thus no more sensors sent

Your trust has now rectified the problem = sensors will be sent automatically every 90 days so you will now have another 3 deliveries before the contract needs to be paid for again (authorised) So make sure you remind your DSN in good time.
I think we have had a wee bit if miscommunication. A hazard of message boards!
I must say the advice about when the sensor subscription expirers was really useful and will allow me to be on the ball when my year is up, so thank you for that.
It will be a while before the dexcoms arrive but my libres are ready to pick up so i should have something i can use in the meantime
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