Funded dex g6 troubles

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am nhs funded for dexcom g6 and it should come every 3 months , delivered direct. Its automatic.
But my last delivery was april and my next, apparently, is october. I run out in 10 days.
Luckily still have libre 2 on my repeat px so just ordered some but they my take a while to come. I also emailed dexcom and dsn.
Its not the clinic as had my year checkup the other week
and they didn't say anything about changes
Anyone else had this happen?
I am so glad a checked. I shall restart the dexcom if necessary, I am one transmitter ahead as got a 1 month started trial with 3 month transmitter, but its rather shaken my trust in the system
Are you sure a shipment hadn’t gone out for July and the email notification gone to your Junk box? I’d phone Dexcom asap and hopefully they can find out what’s happened and get a new shipment sent out if necessary.
No, past shipments show, and the last one was april
Have you actually spoken to Dexcom? Also how many deliveries have you had in the last year (funded)?
I ask this question because the contract is for 1 year IE., four deliveries and your DSN needs to renew the contract a month before the end date.

You should have had an email when you started explaining all this.
So talk to Dexcom (who are very helpful) and ask what's happening or happened.
I agree with the above - ours arrive like clockwork so it looks like something has gone wrong there. Their customer services are always really helpful, they do not like to hear about problems and will do anything they can to resolve them.
I thibk it may be because 1 got 2 replacement dexcoms which would have moved next del date back 20 days..but it went back 3 months instead. I emailed them, but no reply as yet.
I have not had to deal with Dexcom but my advice would be to phone them directly.
In my experience of other companies (sadly, including the one I work at) is that emails go into a general bucket and can take a long time to be redirected internally to the correct team. In contrast, phone calls will be directed to the correct team quickly.
I know it is a pest finding time during working hours and I am one of those people who does not like talking to strangers on the phone. But I have found the discomfort is worth it.
I thibk it may be because 1 got 2 replacement dexcoms which would have moved next del date back 20 days..but it went back 3 months instead. I emailed them, but no reply as yet.
Ring them up, it so much quicker for a reply.
Having replacements does not delay the sending of a regular shipment.
Ring them up, it so much quicker for a reply.
Having replacements does not delay the sending of a regular shipment.
Well, dexcom replied and said its the hospitals fault, and they have contacted them. I forwarded this on to dsn. We shall see
Well, dexcom replied and said its the hospitals fault, and they have contacted them. I forwarded this on to dsn. We shall see
Which means you have been on the dex for a year and the contract needs renewing.
It's all very well blaming your DSN but as you like everyone else were sent an email telling you to contact your DSN 2 months before the 12 mths were up, it's down to you.

Personally I would not expect the DSN to remember which month my Dex was due to be removed as she has so much on her plate dealing with everyone else as well.

This is part of the email I received when funding was started for me.

Hello from Dexcom!

Great news, we are pleased to confirm that we have been instructed by your hospital to supply you with

12 months of Dexcom G6 consumables

To help you get started with G6 please see for guidance on phone compatibility, user guides and product information.

After this funding term is completed, we will need further instruction from your hospital to continue your supply. Please contact your clinic to discuss next steps

In 10 months
Its not been a year. Started jan
I wasn't sent an email, and there is a deliver on the system for oct 23, so no, the year is not up
And i am not blaming my dsn.
I wonder if the DSN made a mistake in putting you on the G6 in the first place as, from what I understand, usually people have to get special funding for that and often that it is to run in conjunction with a pump. Just wondering if someone has realized the mistake and stopped the funding, but then I suppose you wouldn't have a date for a delivery in October.
I wonder if the DSN made a mistake in putting you on the G6 in the first place as, from what I understand, usually people have to get special funding for that and often that it is to run in conjunction with a pump. Just wondering if someone has realized the mistake and stopped the funding, but then I suppose you wouldn't have a date for a delivery in October.
I did get special funding, so ok on that one!

Just phoned them. I have year long funding, which has not expired. This effects EVERYONE who has that funding in my bit of the nhs. Could effect other people here too.
Someone somewhere needs to authorise a payment to dexcom, which they have not done. Its being chased by dexcom and the nurses.
Luckily I still have libre on my px so have put an order in as there is no expected date of delivery. I need a cgm as i have no hypo awareness, and a libre is better than nothing. Hopefully the libre will come through before my dexcom expirers at end of the month....I may be able to restart it but unlikely to get more than 3-4 days before it goes wacky.
Someone somewhere needs to authorise a payment to dexcom, which they have not done. Its being chased by dexcom and the nurses.
Something is wrong somewhere if you have had sensors sent to you and given 12mths funding which is the norm then it sounds to me as if Dexcom have issued you with sensors and not received payment. So yes is down to the lead DSN who has to authorise this action.
I spoke to Dexcom the other day to ask if I were due any more sensors and was told DSN had been ask to authorise another 12mths and hadn't responded.
So I rang DSN and ask her to do so and was asked if I would like a few mths of the G7 to use as she was inundated with them. 🙂 Obviously wasn't going to turn that offer down.
Sorry to hear you are having these glitches @Tdm

If you are comfortable doing to do it (and happy to accept the risk) you can restart G6 sensors to run for up to another 10 days, if your Transmitter has enough juice).

Use something stiff but thin (a guitar pick or plectrum is ideal) to ease the ‘lugs’ on the fat end of the transmitter and loosen it enough to pop it out while the sensor itself stays put.

Then put the transmitter in a different room, away from Bluetooth connection for 10 minutes or so. Then reconnect and restart as if a new sensor reusing the original sensor’s ‘code’.

This is what I’ve done to make G6 even vaguely affordable for me. I could not have afforded full time sensors for 10 days use.

I find the restarts take a little while to settle / recalibrate after restarting but then almost all run well for another 10 days.
You can use a test strip to effectively isolate the transmitter from the sensor without having to remove it. Slide it in between the two, leave in place for 20 minutes or so before restarting using any valid sensor code. Got that from YouTube and did it once so I know it does work
But I now find the adhesive gives up before 20 days!
I'm ok with restarting, though when i did that previously it went a bit wacky after about 4 days or so...i ended up breaking the back off the sensor and patching it up with duck tape.
Thats my plan A. Plan B is getting libre sensors on px in time.
Still no contact from anyone in the nhs. If i hadn't logged in to my dexcom account i'd have been royally *****ed. Hate to think how less online people cope
Happy now! Its all been authorised according to an email from dexcom. No idea when i will get them yet, as not shipped.
Though in the meantime i have ordered a supply of libres, which i will keep as a back up in case this happens again, cos clearly i can't rely on the procurement process.
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