Freestyle Libre - not available on prescription

Do you use the Freestyle Libre System

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Thanks for your questions.

(1) how is Diabetes UK fighting our corner with CCGs to bring pressure to bear for them to bow to the inevitable?
We want to ensure that everyone who could benefit from using Flash GM has access to the technology, which for many can be incredibly beneficial – as we have heard from @Steven Clarke-Emmerson . We saw the first steps toward this in November 2017 with it’s addition to the NHS tariff. But there is now much more work to do. Putting pressure on local decision makers is at the forefront of this. In each nation and locally, we are working with Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), Health Boards, Trusts and Local Health Boards (LHBs) to persuade them to put policies in place so people can access Flash GM. This is coming from our regional teams, volunteer networks and our call to you to raise this issue in your local area and make some noise about Flash GM: Join the Fight

Flash GM is also new technology and therefore many people are not aware of its benefits. So, we’re also raising awareness amongst health professionals and people with diabetes about this new technology. In anticipation of the change in November, we joined other diabetes organizations and health professionals to create consensus guidelines about the technology. The guidelines recommend which patient groups would benefit, how healthcare professionals can help patients get the most from the technology and considerations for health service funders and providers.

Going forward, we will be monitoring access, encouraging areas to develop policies and will need your help to make sure that we make as much noise as possible where this doesn’t happen. So if you would like to help raise the issue -

(2) Can we have an in-depth article in "Balance" on the Freestyle Libre system (all aspects)?
We've covered the FreeStyle Libre in various levels of depth over the past year to 18 months, as news items and when doing features on diabetes technology in general, for example.
Most recently, we’ve covered the progress of Flash GM, in particular the success of it now being able to be prescribed on the NHS, while also highlighting that more needs to be done to avoid a postcode lottery.
We will be planning the content of the next issue in the new year, would there be anything that you would like to know more about which I could forward to our Balance team for suggestions?
As an aside; when we were having a general chat about testing practises, my DN said that the practice was looking at allowing the use of Libre. Although I wouldn't be allowed as I'm T2.
Lots of useful reflections here. Thanks. I am struggling to even get to talk to someone in secondary care. My GP was absolutely clueless even about the commissioning process which I found worrying.

I have used Libre on trial and found it revolutionised how I monitor and control my BG levels. I haven't read all the comments here, but it would be good to know of a local Commissioning Group which has approved this on prescription. Perhaps then Diabetes UK can use this as an example to show other CCGs that it's not that scary (if indeed it isn't). The hole in all this is the DVLA's insistence on a BG test rather than interstitial blood. Perhaps one day they will catch up with the rest of the world. The effect of this is that GP practices would be in effect prescribing twice for the same outcome because they would have to issue test strips and a Libre patch although presumably the test strips would have to be issued less frequently. Again, and I am sure D-UK are aware of this, this is an area on which to focus campaigning effort.

Just two minor gripes, the patches can make my skin feel a little itchy even after being removed. Also I have shifted to the strips for the meter and they all come individually wrapped which is frickin' annoying. Why can't they be in a little tub like the OneTouch Veria meter which was my meter of choice.

I guess in the short term I am just going to have to hunker down and accept that my budget will have to stretch to an extra £100/ month at least in the short term. I can't really afford it but if I cut back a little it seems like a small price to pay for (finally) good BG control. There will be many who won't be able to.
Well I'd still have to test my blood with the meter/handset that talks to my insulin pump anyway even if the Libre worked for me - otherwise it couldn't calculate corrections or boluses!
My GP was too. Completely useless, but then he admits to not knowing much about type 1 :confused: he said I need to get the hospital to prescribe The Libre, so I asked my DSN and she said lots of caveats were in place by the CCG, such as proving someone else had to monitor your bgs (eg: learning disability, physical disability, or severe hypo unawareness to the extent you're 'not with it for x amount of hours a day') so no further along then! When I have my next review I'm going to ask my Consultant. I'm also trying to get a pump, I'll report back.
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