Forum themes - ‘dark mode’

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Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It has taken a while to get there, but following some requests and feedback from various members, we have been working away behind the scenes to develop some forum ‘themes’. This allows you to choose the way the forum appears on your laptop, tablet, or phone.

We are pleased to be launching the ‘Dark Mode’ today, and have a ‘High Contrast’ mode waiting for final sign-off.

The Dark Mode is now active, and can be used when browsing the forum at night to reduce glare and make things easier on the eyes (many devices have a dark mode that activates during the late evening to reduce eye strain).

If you’d like to switch between the themes you will find a menu at the very bottom of the screen in the forum footer.


Click on the name of the current theme, then select from the pop-up ‘Style Chooser’ menu.


Hope you find this helpful. And we will add the ‘high contrast’ mode once it is signed off.
I have switched, finding it so much easier to read. Thank you so much.
Thank you. 🙂

Increased contrast will be good too. It helps so much with limited sight.

Yes hoping it won’t be long. We’ve adjusted contrast (fewer light greys) and boosted the size and spacing of text to hopefully make it easier for those with dyslexia or impaired vision.

Just need to get it checked 🙂
wooohoo thanks so much for this. Though, I have been using high contrast mode all along as I have it set on my devices to help my irlen syndrome, but dark mode is better.
Could I suggest a slightly less WHITE text / foreground colour?
I know this helps those with limited sight but if there is a high contrast version coming this wont be a problem
A less-white text is much easier on the eyes (and IMHO, looks nicer too):
e.g. Arc-Dark - #D0D0D0 (My personal fave)
Dracular - #F8F8F2
I'll stick with default, thanks. My expectation of how to display text?
A couple of things which might be more to do with my eyesight than anything. In the Default Theme, when you open a message board, the difference in colour between read and unread posts is distinct. Dark blue rather than light blue and that allows me to focus quickly on threads with new posts. In the new theme I can't easily see a difference between read and unread threads. If I concentrate then maybe the unread post titles are a bit brighter but it is not as obvious. Don't worry about trying to adjust anything for me but others might have the same problem.

Oddly, and I am sure that this is my eyesight, I get double vision with the white on black whereas I have no problems with the default. That is weird.
It has taken a while to get there, but following some requests and feedback from various members, we have been working away behind the scenes to develop some forum ‘themes’. This allows you to choose the way the forum appears on your laptop, tablet, or phone.

We are pleased to be launching the ‘Dark Mode’ today, and have a ‘High Contrast’ mode waiting for final sign-off.

The Dark Mode is now active, and can be used when browsing the forum at night to reduce glare and make things easier on the eyes (many devices have a dark mode that activates during the late evening to reduce eye strain).

If you’d like to switch between the themes you will find a menu at the very bottom of the screen in the forum footer.

View attachment 20048

Click on the name of the current theme, then select from the pop-up ‘Style Chooser’ menu.

View attachment 20049

Hope you find this helpful. And we will add the ‘high contrast’ mode once it is signed off.
Fantastic. Am getting used to prescription sunglasses and now dark theme. A holiday for my eyes
Brilliant update 🙂 I usually live online in dark mode
Cool 😎 - I like it 🙂
I have dark mode on for most things so glad to see this addition xx
The easiest text to read is yellow letters on a dark blue background. Yellow on black is reasonable, but not white on black with a sans serif font. Which reminds me, a typeface with serifs is easier to read in any print at any size. Try reading the members’ signature messages in white on black. Starts to get difficult at that size.

My iPad automatically dims and warms the background at night, as does my Kindle.
but not white on black with a sans serif font. Which reminds me, a typeface with serifs is easier to read in any print at any size.

I was interested to read the Dyslexia Assoc’s recommendation of sans fonts, because the characters in serif fonts at reading text sizes can start to bleed into one another

But yes, for example, when Stanley Morison designed Times Roman he did so specifically for legibility at small dense text sizes.
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Because of you, I have now found that most of the forums I use also have dark themes that I was unaware of before
So thank you, again!

The best name I have heard for a dark theme is 'Darcula'
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