Foot Ulcer Concerns

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October seems a long time away, but at least you have an appointment. Good luck at the foot clinic tomorrow.

How are your BG levels. Managing those as well as possible will really help that ulcer to heal.
Yeah but I just assumed that with backlogs it was probably quicker than I thought.

My BG is actually pretty good right now with my HbA1C last month been the best I’ve had in 3 years.

They did say the ulcer was healing quicker than some they see but it’s the weird shape of the foot at the side and the pain that concerns me right now.
Good you have an appointment, even if it is a while off.

Take care and keep us updated.

And well done on the Hb1AC, that's an achievement anyway more so with, an infection

I was in clinic today and the specialist podiatrist explained that the appointment I have with orthopaedics is actually held in their clinic as they have like a liaison service.

She was also happy that the ulcer has decreased in size too which is another good sign.
So pleased you are making progress with the ulcer. Fingers crossed for the appointment next month and that it is something relatively easily fixed. In the meantime, take it easy.
Orthopaedics appointment was today and interesting.

It’s not an infection and it’s not Charcot.

However he discovered an old tibia fracture which I could not explain as I have never injured it before and was not aware I had.

Concerning thing is, he didn’t seem bothered, the pain I have been having is in different areas to where the old fracture was discovered.

Advice was keep wearing the boot cast and let the ulcer heal. But I have to still be in pain? Makes no sense.
Really sorry that they haven't discovered the cause of your pain Mark and that the ulcer hasn't healed yet, but good news that it isn't infected and especially that it isn't Charcot... Phew!!
Could you have fractured your Tibia when you got knocked over.... last year I think it was.... wasn't it at the Metro station or somewhere? Presumably you have painkillers to take for the pain but I know that won't really deal with the problem, just make it a little more bearable. Hope your ulcer heals soon. I am a firm believer in stimulating blood flow to heal injuries. Even if it is just wriggling your toes for 5 mins every hour or so... maybe tapping them to music. It really is important to keep things moving and blood flowing to keep tissue healthy, even if it is very minimal movement.
Sorry for the late reply.

You actually reminded me about that fall, as I had forgot, however yes that could have been when I did it.

I remember i had to attend accident and emergency and I saw a nurse practitioner and was told I didn’t need to see a doctor, and was just soft tissue damage.

I’m actually on no pain killers, might be worth me asking for some, I don’t need them all the time as sometimes it’s okay and other times it’s not.

The specialist podiatrist said that we could start thinking about only going in every couple of weeks and not weekly so that’s a good sign too.
Glad to hear you are getting some positive signs @MarkGeordie - but sorry to hear about the ongoing pain :(

Hope you can find a way to be more comfortable while your ulcer has time to heal.
Thanks. I’m still weekly attendance at the moment so back on Thursday afternoon.
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