foods that 'spike'

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,

We have had a few weeks of having to deal with food that spikes! So i have been restricting some foods because on MDI i cant seem to control the spikes, but obviously this isnt fair as A needs to eat some junk food sometimes!

So i thought it may be a good idea for us all to list 'spikey' foods, and more importantly - ways that we have found work to lessen the spike - whether its injecting 20 minutes before or half way through or any tips would be appreciated!

PIZZA is the worst food for A - and we havent found a way of getting round the spike that works.😱Bev
We make our own pizzas some times and use a scone mix for the base. Is it possible to make your own pizza and use whole meal flour for the base?

Some burger places also do whole meal burger buns, so you could swap the white one for a whole meal one.
Hi Bev, i get a huge spike after breakfast, but if i take more insulin i crash, after 3 hours my numbers come down, so i am sticking to same ratio but am injecting around 15/20 mins before breakfast and my numbers have been better, around 9-11 after 2 hours rather than 19-22! 😱
Hi Bev

If Alex will do it, we always used to split pasta, pizza and rice doses, eg two injections. Depending on topping and with pasta, sauce, we used to front or back load dose with varying success...but a split dose of 1.5 or 2 hours always used to semi-work for us anyway!
I used to split dose for pizza but seem to be able to get away with taking it after eating in one go now.
I actually haven't done any post meal testing for a long time now, but I think that most foods are reasonabley spike free for me as long as I get the right dose.
For R weetabix is an absolute nightmare! On MDI we tended to avoid it but on the pump we either do a dual wave or put her on a temporary basal for 2 hours at 200% and that seems to do the trick 🙂 She's sky high (mid teens 2 hours later without it - eep!)
Hi All...

At this moment in time quorn is a problem...aaaarrrggghhhh

As well as pizza, I find I get big or delayed spikes with pastry (especially short crust pastry in pies) and with the batter on fish from the fish & chip shop.

However, I just take my needle as soon as I've finished eating and it's back down to normal before the next meal.

I've never given much consideration to the effects the spikes had until reading about it on here.

I'm pretty sure nothing was mentioned about the effects of spikes on the DAFNE course (my course was a while ago though). They were very keen for you to only test 4 times a day before meals and once before bed and to try to avoid the temptation to overtest and micro-manage.

However, if theres a school of thought that suggests this causes complications then I hope more research is being done about it.

Hi All...

Well I take it back about the the past hour nathan has dropped 4.9mmol...mmmmm...reached peak 4 hrs after eating...oh..he didnt just have quorn for tea

Hi All...

Well I take it back about the the past hour nathan has dropped 4.9mmol...mmmmm...reached peak 4 hrs after eating...oh..he didnt just have quorn for tea


I thought quorn was soya protein, not carb? I was just thinking that I didn't have anything to add to this thread, as I don't seem to suffer from spikes with anything (I've tested at all different stages - no spikes!). Then, of course the moment I think that and take a reading 2.5 hours after my evening meal...and I'mm 11.1! Haven't been that high for donkey's years! I was 4.2 before tea - had curry and rice, nothing unusual. Only difference was that it was a Homepride curry sauce that I don't normally use but was on offer. Will have to check the tin!😱
Hi Northerner,
Perhaps the sauce was full of fat? I find that A can only eat brown rice - any other type of rice he gets a spike. I must admit i am starting to think that A is more sensitive to spiking than some people. Maybe its just because he is a child.
This makes me realise that the only way around his spikes and growth spurts is the pump! Who would have thought the words 'dual wave' and 'temp basal' would bring such excitement!

I have tried injecting 10 minutes before and half way through etc - but nothing seems to work for him.:(Bev
Hi Bev, i get a huge spike after breakfast, but if i take more insulin i crash, after 3 hours my numbers come down, so i am sticking to same ratio but am injecting around 15/20 mins before breakfast and my numbers have been better, around 9-11 after 2 hours rather than 19-22! 😱

Ah ha the dreaded post breakfast spike. You will be surprised how many people get this. I am presuming you are on BB (MDI). You are completely right about injecting before breakfast but you could also up the insulin but you will then have to have a snack 2 hours later to stop the hypo. Now I'm only speaking from experience with children, not adults but would presume it is the same principle.🙂


Basmati is supposed to be the best rice, or easiest to manage or brown but I really can't stomach that. (love brown pasta though). With rice it doesn't start releashing until a while after started eating it. We used to inject or bolus on a pump just before or during and J would by hypo after eating the meal or within 1/2 hour. The insulin started working before the rice. We now bolus after for rice and do a dual of 30/70 over I think about 2 hours (can't remember that bit). She has a spike with it but the hypo is the nightmare.
Anything fatty really does for me. Things like mayonnaise send my number rocketing. Though on a positive note I haven't eaten mayonnaise for quite a while now. That's stopped me having a few off moments as far as blood sugars go.
Hi Northerner,
Perhaps the sauce was full of fat? ...

I checked the tin and it was actually low fat, and pretty low in carbs too - around 13g carbs and 3.1g fat per portion. My levels have come down to 7.2. I'm thinking maybe I underdosed for the amount of rice - I did have a big plateful!😱🙂
Hi Bev!

I remember when I did the carb counting course they said pizza had the effect of a double high - you got the initial peak, then a time (can't recall, think a few hours later) you got a second peak.

At the time they didn't know why. And I guess taking a second dose of insulin (which wasn't advised) is a hit and miss process as you don't know what the split is going to be between the first and second peaks.

Other than that I know not.
I thought quorn was soya protein, not carb? I was just thinking that I didn't have anything to add to this thread, as I don't seem to suffer from spikes with anything (I've tested at all different stages - no spikes!). Then, of course the moment I think that and take a reading 2.5 hours after my evening meal...and I'mm 11.1! Haven't been that high for donkey's years! I was 4.2 before tea - had curry and rice, nothing unusual. Only difference was that it was a Homepride curry sauce that I don't normally use but was on offer. Will have to check the tin!😱

Hi Northerner..

Thats what I thought that it was all soya protien...but when investigated the back of the packet...because of the coating (breadcrumbs)...which I should have looked at before....Mam's containes 37.5g of carb per 100g...and Nathan had quite a large amount...with potatoes and veg..youghurt as well.....I think it has been a combination of all the meal...aarrgghhh...I will get it

Ah ha the dreaded post breakfast spike. You will be surprised how many people get this. I am presuming you are on BB (MDI). You are completely right about injecting before breakfast but you could also up the insulin but you will then have to have a snack 2 hours later to stop the hypo. Now I'm only speaking from experience with children, not adults but would presume it is the same principle.🙂

Thanks for the reply, I changed the timing after speaking to my dsn (the dafne one), apart from mornings like today that is when i woke on 3.6😱

As i have done dafne, i dose for what i eat and would not give extra insulin, as that would be the wrong principle for me and I would have to have that snack even if i didnt want it. With dafne you eat what you want, when you want. Its not that you are wrong at all but the dafne principles are different to this, thanks again 🙂

Am hoping this will improve again when i get my pump and can fine tune everything :D
Thanks for the reply, I changed the timing after speaking to my dsn (the dafne one), apart from mornings like today that is when i woke on 3.6😱

As i have done dafne, i dose for what i eat and would not give extra insulin, as that would be the wrong principle for me and I would have to have that snack even if i didnt want it. With dafne you eat what you want, when you want. Its not that you are wrong at all but the dafne principles are different to this, thanks again 🙂

Am hoping this will improve again when i get my pump and can fine tune everything :D


Sorry I think you misunderstood me. I didn't mean uping your insulin for the sheer hell of it. I meant increasing the ratios that's all. I think you actually mentioned ratios yourself, I was just continuing that thread. We count carbs too and have done for 3 odd years now and I wouldn't deviate from that but if the ratios need adjusting every so often which is not often I would tweak them. With a pump it is a whole other ballgame, one which is so much better and easier with the tweaking. I hope you like pumping, you can get great levels although it takes some hard work but doesn't all diabetes 😱
Interesting comments guys/gals.

Hmm last pizza I had I felt pretty rotten, I didn't think about spikes! Might have to do some experimenting post food, to understand, as often my eyes burn up and it feels like a high, which I guess is a spike!

I'd love to have brown rice & pasta but it's just not the same!!


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