Food as medicine - First do no Pharm

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
John Campbell interviews Dr Aseem Malhotra.
Insulin resistance associated not only with T2 diabetes , but with 80% of Heart attacks ( more than high Total Cholesterol or high LDL.
Prescription medicine side effects are 3rd biggest killer in USA.
Absolute versus Relative benefit is supposed to be explained to you before prescription.
Same company that sells a new drug funds the research, designs the trial, and interprets the results both benefits and drawbacks - most of which is commercially confidential and so not known by any outsiders.
Research into new antibiotics is not profitable - so pharmas don't want to do it.
Curing disease is not (usually) profitable, so pharmas treat symptoms (for life) instead.

Video here;
John Campbell interviews Dr Aseem Malhotra.
Insulin resistance associated not only with T2 diabetes , but with 80% of Heart attacks ( more than high Total Cholesterol or high LDL.
Prescription medicine side effects are 3rd biggest killer in USA.
Absolute versus Relative benefit is supposed to be explained to you before prescription.
Same company that sells a new drug funds the research, designs the trial, and interprets the results both benefits and drawbacks - most of which is commercially confidential and so not known by any outsiders.
Research into new antibiotics is not profitable - so pharmas don't want to do it.
Curing disease is not (usually) profitable, so pharmas treat symptoms (for life) instead.

Video here;
You would like Ben Goldacre's Bad Science book then.
Malhorta is just a YouTube snake oil merchant!
You mean 'just' a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, etc.
Yes he has written commercial books, not just medical ones. Many, including Tom Watson (former MP& deputy leader of Labour Party) credit him with amazing transformations (both weight loss and T2D remission) from one of those books - The Pioppi Diet.
John Campbell interviews Dr Aseem Malhotra.
Insulin resistance associated not only with T2 diabetes , but with 80% of Heart attacks ( more than high Total Cholesterol or high LDL.
Prescription medicine side effects are 3rd biggest killer in USA.
Absolute versus Relative benefit is supposed to be explained to you before prescription.
Same company that sells a new drug funds the research, designs the trial, and interprets the results both benefits and drawbacks - most of which is commercially confidential and so not known by any outsiders.
Research into new antibiotics is not profitable - so pharmas don't want to do it.
Curing disease is not (usually) profitable, so pharmas treat symptoms (for life) instead.

Video here;
No matter which parts are accurate and true, many just don't want to know any of it. This has never been more evident than during the pandemic. People I considered intelligent and well grounded failed to follow common sense. They believed everything and anything they were told by those following the "science" working at "the speed of science".

@ianf0ster Below is a small selection of what the public was told by official sources over past 3 years. People would prefer to listen this than alternative views.

“Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick, and that it’s not just in the clinical trials, but it’s also in real-world data,”

"Face coverings are "the most powerful public health tool" the nation has against the coronavirus and might even provide better protection against it than a vaccine, the head of the U.S CDC.

"We have clear scientific evidence they work, and they are our best defense," CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield said. "I might even go so far as to say that this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me against Covid than when I take a Covid vaccine."

"Masks can help reduce your chance of COVID19 infection by more than 80%."

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