Flying for the first time on Insulin with Libre2


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
So I am off on my first (very short) trip abroad since being diagnosed Type 1 and starting on Insulin. It’s a bit nerve wracking. I’m going to Austria for 5 days. I have counted out twice what I normally need. I have spare insulin, a spare CGM monitor, my Blood & Keytone Monitor, a spare Insulin pen, loads of glucose tabs and snack bars, a letter from my consultant for airport security. What could I have forgotten? This is not easy is it? Does it get any easier? I really hope so. Any advice? Wish me
What have you forgotten?
Probably nothing important. As long as you have travel insurance.
It definitely gets easier. I think the anticipation is the worst part.
Most airport security guys don't bat an eyelid. They don't care about sharp items smaller than 6cm and my Libre has always been fine through the x-rays. I have been carrying my doctors letter through airports hundreds of times (literally) and only shown it once.
Something you cannot prepare for beforehand is keeping your hypo treatment with you in your seat rather than the overhead locker. Having a hypo whilst taking off and realising you cannot get to your Glucose tabs is not a good feeling (as I learnt from experience).
Then, when you get to Austria, remembering that, like any break from home, your daily regime will be different so your BG may be affected - just keep a close eye on it and hypo treatment/insulin close to hand.

And have a wonderful time.

P.S. If your finger prick monitor takes batteries, you may want to put some spare ones in your bag. It is a back up of a back up and they sell batteries in Austria but they don't take up much space and another peace of mind.
So I am off on my first (very short) trip abroad since being diagnosed Type 1 and starting on Insulin. It’s a bit nerve wracking. I’m going to Austria for 5 days. I have counted out twice what I normally need. I have spare insulin, a spare CGM monitor, my Blood & Keytone Monitor, a spare Insulin pen, loads of glucose tabs and snack bars, a letter from my consultant for airport security. What could I have forgotten? This is not easy is it? Does it get any easier? I really hope so. Any advice? Wish me
I assume you have included testing strips along with monitor. Sounds like you have things well covered.

Have a great time
And, I know it's obvious but needles, stayed with friends for a couple of days diligently took plenty of supplies and backups. Completely forgot needles 😳 doh
What have you forgotten?
Probably nothing important. As long as you have travel insurance.
It definitely gets easier. I think the anticipation is the worst part.
Most airport security guys don't bat an eyelid. They don't care about sharp items smaller than 6cm and my Libre has always been fine through the x-rays. I have been carrying my doctors letter through airports hundreds of times (literally) and only shown it once.
Something you cannot prepare for beforehand is keeping your hypo treatment with you in your seat rather than the overhead locker. Having a hypo whilst taking off and realising you cannot get to your Glucose tabs is not a good feeling (as I learnt from experience).
Then, when you get to Austria, remembering that, like any break from home, your daily regime will be different so your BG may be affected - just keep a close eye on it and hypo treatment/insulin close to hand.

And have a wonderful time.

P.S. If your finger prick monitor takes batteries, you may want to put some spare ones in your bag. It is a back up of a back up and they sell batteries in Austria but they don't take up much space and another peace of mind.
Thanks Helli, yup spare batteries already packed, I’m getting good at worrying about every possible problem that could happen. Thanks for the encouragement….I also want to eat at least one slice of apple strudel
I assume you have included testing strips along with monitor. Sounds like you have things well covered.

Have a great time
I have and lancets thanks
And, I know it's obvious but needles, stayed with friends for a couple of days diligently took plenty of supplies and backups. Completely forgot needles 😳 doh
Lots of needles….calculated how many needed and doubled it
So I am off on my first (very short) trip abroad since being diagnosed Type 1 and starting on Insulin. It’s a bit nerve wracking. I’m going to Austria for 5 days. I have counted out twice what I normally need. I have spare insulin, a spare CGM monitor, my Blood & Keytone Monitor, a spare Insulin pen, loads of glucose tabs and snack bars, a letter from my consultant for airport security. What could I have forgotten? This is not easy is it? Does it get any easier? I really hope so. Any advice? Wish me
You are very well organised. The only addition I can suggest is to take a copy of your prescription with you and, as someone else commented, travel insurance. Enjoy your trip
The only addition I can suggest is to take a copy of your prescription with you
If you have a paper version!
My surgery and pharmacy no longer use paper prescriptions. Although as @CathyFP already has a letter from her doctor, I would be incredibly surprised if she needs it.
I have needed a paper prescription ONCE in twenty years and that was only when there was a heighten security level due to the shoe bomber. So I would not worry if you order your prescriptions through an app.
You have it covered. I have always found my BS’s on the high side when travelling. I’m going to Austria soon so will defo be trying the local foods. It defo gets easier with experience and check check check like you are.
Have fun
So I am off on my first (very short) trip abroad since being diagnosed Type 1 and starting on Insulin. It’s a bit nerve wracking. I’m going to Austria for 5 days. I have counted out twice what I normally need. I have spare insulin, a spare CGM monitor, my Blood & Keytone Monitor, a spare Insulin pen, loads of glucose tabs and snack bars, a letter from my consultant for airport security. What could I have forgotten? This is not easy is it? Does it get any easier? I really hope so. Any advice? Wish me
Get yourself a Sunflower hidden disabilities lanyard. It got me and the family fast-tracked through security. There have got to be some perks!
You sound very organised and have thought of all that you will need.

Sasha Torte is so good and worth working out the carbs for. I very much like Aperol Spritzer when in Austria.

I am another who uses the lanyard. I find the security people in the ‘lanyard queue’ are expecting to deal with things differently, are not surprised when I say I need a pat down as I can’t go through the body scanner because of my pump. With pens and Libre this is not an issue, however it can be a much speedier way through security. We might as well have some benefits.
How do you get a sunflower lanyard?
I got mine at the airport.
But that was before COVID when anyone who didn't want to comply with the distancing and mask rules got a sunflower lanyard.
It became the equivalent to hazard warning lights giving you the "right" to park wherever you want for some and belittled the value for those who really need it
I believe you can pick up the lanyards from the airport from the Assistance Reception areas in check in, this is the case in Manchester but I have never used it before. I know others who have used them for other invisible disabilities which need more help, check on the relevant airport website but it will likely be the same.
I’ve never used it and never had any issues apart from coming back from Barcelona they searched everything in my hand luggage and made a complete mess of my things and we then couldn’t get my bag closed and out of the way.
Thanks to all for the encouragement and I can report my first trip abroad on Insulin went pretty well. Of course my BG was a bit low and high but with all the walking I was doing I actually found it a bit easier to stabilise things than when forced to sit for hours at a desk at home when working. I guess this shows how helpful exercise can be. Also made it easier to eat plenty of Austrian desserts. Is Sauerkraut good for lowering BG? It seemed to be.