Flu Jab Reactions

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All, Does anyone out there suffer with Flu,After having injection.I seem to come down with it every year after the flu jab,is this a coincidence or just me.:confused:
Nope, I've been fine.

Are you sure it's not just a heavy cold? Being a bloke, it may just feel like flu. 🙄


p.s. I'm just trying to ingratiate myself with our female membership by making out that blokes make a lot of fuss when feeling slightly under the weather. 😎
Agree with Andy - more likely to be coincidental arrival of a cold. If you can type at a computer, you almost certainly haven't got flu! But hope you get better soon, anyway. 🙂
Hi - only had one jab so far, but was absolutely fine after - had some sneezes and sniffles but don't think these have anything to do with jab, more to do with time of year.
Nearly everyone I know has had the sniffles of some kind after a flu jab, but they were all told they were probably comming down with something before the jab was done. If it was a reaction to the jab they would be too ill to complain about the sniffles!
Has anyone had pneumonia jab and does it hurt afterwards - I have mine soon and a tennis competition the day after?
I have had flu once in my life and it was dreadful. I couldnt even blink without it hurting - so if you are able to use a computer - I doubt you have flu.🙂Bev
Has anyone had pneumonia jab and does it hurt afterwards - I have mine soon and a tennis competition the day after?

hi Lucy mine hurt slightly more then the flu jab but it was just for that day the next day i was fine..
Hi All, I havent had it yet,Next week........ Yes you are correct in saying you cannot type when ill,But it aint MAN FLU .lol. I get temps in in the 40"s feel totally drained,sweat all the time,( wife doesnt like that bit.lol)Totally blocked nose.....and BG"S rise to 14+,Im told it isnt a reaction to the jab,but as i said earlier,i get it every year,no matter what month,sept,oct,nov,jan.

Sorry about putting the earlier thread in Newbies,i must have had an age moment.lol.it was early....
Hi Lucy mine was in and out before I even noticed lol. I was having a diabetic review and the nurse said 'Oh you haven't had one' and next thing I knew she had done it lol. No problems after. I've been fine since the flu jab too. Just a sore arm for 24 hours.:D
Hi Lucy, Had the pneu jab couple of years ago,no probs.Just a slight ache for 24hours.. Be brave..😉
Hubby had his flu jab last friday and is only just recovering😱

He was fine no signs of any pending lergies, had his jab friday afternoon, slightly sore Friday evening, woke up saturday morning abit achey, but then spent most of Saturday sleeping😱 BY Saturday night snooty nose, cough aching all over and he's been like all week, gone to work come home, gone to bed for a bit!

He says he isn't having a Flu jab next year this is the 2nd time he's had a flu jab last year was the first time he hadn't avoided it!
Harder to do in practice, I know, but having been on both ends of a vaccination / immunisation needle, it really does hurt less if the recipient relaxes their arm - a tense muscle means the liquid has to be forced in between muscle fibres. Easiest way to relax is either to let arm droop or to put hand on hip and then let elbow flop outwards.
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i would be entitle to the pneumonia jab but never had it done and this year definitly i am not going to have the flu jab because of the pregnancy so no worryes for me
Had my flue jab last friday , no ill effects at all ,,,,,
fingers crossed lol🙂
I have had flu once in my life and it was dreadful. I couldnt even blink without it hurting.
Thanks to
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I've had no side effects with the flu jab thankfully!! I hope it's just a bad cold for ya ... flu is awful!! XxXxX
Im having my flu jab tomorrow 11.25 😱hopefully wont react to it, my 1st flu jab since dx and never had 1 b4, i hate needles 😱
surgery here have just started and had to phone for a appointment did not have a reaction to the flu jab but had a sore arm and a lump from the swine flu jab last year.
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