Flora Heart Age calculator

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I agree I do get miffed when I hear its from an unhealthy lifestyle, im the one and only person in my whole family that is type 2 and i cant say i lived an unheatly lifesyle.
I was diagnosed a week before I was due to run a marathon. I was considerably fitter and healthier than most of my contemporaries, and remain so even though I now have diabetes. To suggest that I am suddenly at some hugely increased risk of CVD is a complete distortion of statistics. I may be more at risk than marathon running 51 year olds without diabetes, but not the general 51 year old male population. I thumb my nose at the Flora Heart Age calculator, and emit a rude noise in their general direction:D
i tried it last time we talked about this and it was BAD so i tried again changing weight/grith/height and it still said i was DOOOOMED....
Personally I really object to diabetes being blamed for a whole host of problems - I think that if you have developed diabetes as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle - which can happen - and don't all shout me down for this - then conditions also associated with an unhealthy lifestyle also happen to you - they are not a result of your diabetes - they are a result of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Blaming diabetes for everything is not fair and in my opinion - wrong.😡

I agree and think in so many ways we then further sit on a double edged sword. As we then enter into a routine of six or twelve monthly screening for 'everything' which non-diabetics aren't screened for, especially HbA1C and lipids there is a picture of our condition over the years.

Lipids and circulation problems (perhaps blood, perhaps nerve) are then all acted upon much earlier than non-diabetics. So we get identified and then treated much earlier because we're diabetics and screened.

It's rather like the screening for prostate cancer, men under 50 rarely get it. Why? Because they only start screening at 50. In research of 30 to 50 year old males, the emphasis being more 35 to 45 age range there was a high percentage of males in their early 40's having prostate cancer.

If you don't look for a condition it doesn't mean it's not there, it just means you either live or die in ignorance or it's discovered later in it's development, which may mean the treatment options are limited or non-existent.

It's the same argument for diabetic screening of the whole population, if we knew every diabetic or at risk diabetic at one point in time and were then treating them the budget of the NHS in it's current model would implode. So we don't screen everyone. Only the people who show symptoms or are in an at risk category.

Why bother? 🙄
I lied about my weight a little bit, and still came out 20 years older.

I was diagnosed a week before I was due to run a marathon. I was considerably fitter and healthier than most of my contemporaries, and remain so even though I now have diabetes. To suggest that I am suddenly at some hugely increased risk of CVD is a complete distortion of statistics. I may be more at risk than marathon running 51 year olds without diabetes, but not the general 51 year old male population. I thumb my nose at the Flora Heart Age calculator, and emit a rude noise in their general direction:D

Well as far as T2 diabetes goes, the macro and micro vascular problems/risks it causes are so evident that T2 diabetes is effectively treated as a sub-species of heart disease to all intents and purposes. As one eminent diabetologist recently said, being diagnosed with T2 diabetes is the equivalent of having had your first heart attack. Dunno about T1 though.
I lied about my weight a little bit, and still came out 20 years older.


Perhaps we could have a competition to see who can lie the best to get their heart to be the same as your actual age!:D
Perhaps we could have a competition to see who can lie the best to get their heart to be the same as your actual age!:D

Sounds good, where's the link? but I guess we should still tell them were doomed with the self inflicted disease diabetes?
mine says I'm 22 :D which is ok, cuz i'm 22 this year!
Well, without lying then my heart is only two years older than the rest of me! Tiny bit of manipulation around BP and weight and my heart became younger than the rest of me despite the diabetes - barking or what?
If I tell the truth I'm 6 years closer to the end, but if I just take out the diabetes it's bang on !?

I think I remember doing it before and was more like 10 years older?

Best avoid this kinda stuff I think!
I just tried it. I am 35, if I put in the diabetes it comes out as 45!!! If I don't say I am diabetic it says 34.

11 years difference for being diabetic, but no questions about how long you have been diabetic or your control - what a load of rubbish.
Just tried it again lying about everything (giving optimal answers) except diabetes. Seems there's no way I can avoid my heart giving up 7 years before the rest of me...

I only revived this topic because it had been mentioned in Balance, but am totally convinced of how useless it is to diabetics who should simply be excluded if the box is ticked. Withput fail, it is bound to be demoralising, maybe even distressing. We're treating it light-heartedly (!!!) but some might actually be depressed about it, unnecessarily. Even if you accept the statistic that half of diabetics die of CVD, half of them don't. My glass is half full!🙂
I think if I'd answered truthfully, my result would have been "best get a tape measure and order a coffin".

I dont know what my waist measurement is. Somewhere between "omg is there even a measurement for this?" and "step away from the pie!" 😛

I took 5kgs off my last weigh in too...
Just done mine and I have the heart of a 58 year old which is a bit depressing as I am 38... And that is me after loosing 3st wonder what it would have been when I was even heavier. 😱 But I am not going to worry about it, as others have said it is obviously flawed.
Ahm no playin'....

My heart age is 67 - 20 years older than me.... It was nice knowing y'all, guess I should be putting my affairs in order!!

I'm sympathetic...trust me. However i just did a dumb quiz on facebook about "body age" and got 31, which is much better than 53 (or 58? i can't remember) but that didn't ask me about diabetes...Hehehe I'm suprised the Flora page didn't redirect me to a life insurance policy offer...or www.organise_your_own_funeral.com... Still, Corp Frazer's my man!!! heheheh
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