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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all! I’m 29 and have been diagnosed T1 nearly four years (after a couple years of tests and doc visits where I wasn’t listened and made to feel dramatic, and ended up with a dead pancreas.. fun). Still winging it, still hate it, still feeling like I have no life from constant exhaustion. Been seeing a doc for sleep issues, to be told nothings wrong. Spoken to a doc about fatigue, to be told it’s life and I need to get used to it. I’m a nursery nurse and need all the energy I can get, but don’t have any left for myself. I’m gaining weight because I’m too worried to get back to the gym, I’m exhausted and I’m miserable (not my usual annoying jolly self). Struggle to even function the last couple months, is this normal? What can I do to help myself? Came here to show myself I’m not alone and get listen to people who actually go through it too- because I am having a freaking mare haha! Thanks in advance x
I cant advise as type two but i hear ya and hope the other type 1s will be there to support you as they have me. Welcome
Welcome @diadavo
Sorry to read that you are struggling.
Feeling exhausted all the time is not normal.

What are your blood sugar levels like? High levels can affect our moods. I certainly feel I have more energy when my levels are lower and not bouncing around too much

Have you been on a DAFNE course (or the local equivalent)?
This can be really beneficial to learn about "Dosing For Normal Eating" and more such as exercise, alcohol, sickness, etc.
I also found it great to meet and talk to others with Type 1.
Getting your dosage (and carb counting) right can help with so much.

Please continue to ask questions and, if you want to, share more about yourself and your diabetes management.
We have some very helpful members who will be along soon. Don't be surprised if they bombard you with questions - the more we understand, the more we can help. But I understand not everyone wants to share so much with strangers.
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Is does sound as if you need help with how to manage your sugars if you feel you are 'still winging it'. I think the daphne course could help.
But it could be diabetes distress/ burn out - have you talked to your diabetes clinic? Do you have a good relationship with them? If not, could you get a referal elsewhere?
Welcome to the forum @diadavo So glad that you have found the forum where there is a wealth of experience to tap into.

It will help us adapt our answers if we know what you use to manage your diabetes so here is the bombardment that @helli earned you of. If you are happy to do so can you tell us
- which insulin(s) you use
- are you injecting or using a pump
- do you use a sensor (Libre)

As @helli said a DAFNE course can de incredibly helpful, both with practical suggestions about how to make adjustments to our doses and in meeting others who are managing day to day.

Having big variations in glucose levels makes us very tired and if you are able to reset those you are likely to feel a lot better physically and also emotionally. It won’t go away but it can get easier.

Fire away with any questions you have. You have come to the right place to come and ask questions. Nothing is considered silly on here. Just ask. Also a good place for a rant if needed. We ‘get it’.
Hi! I have 60 years of Type 1 under my belt. As yours developed ver a period of time whereas Type I develops over 4 - 6 weeks I wonder if you have Type 1.5. Another thought is have you had Covid as there is a, link between it and developing diabetes. Also thyroid issues are not uncommon amongst diabetics. Have you been tested for this?
My Health Authority recommends the BERTIE online course. If you are interested here is the link:
Hi @diadavo and welcome to the forum. I am glad you have found us here and reached out! I can see some community members have already jumped in with very useful and worthwhile information.

One other thing I can suggest is that as well as this online space, we do have local support groups where people living with diabetes can come together in person. Hopefully there may be one near where you live, it's just nice to have an option of seeing people in person too -

You are definitely not alone, and we are here to support you 🙂 Please feel free to reach out whenever you need, and as seen above we will try help and support as much as possible.
Hi all, thank you all so much for your responses already!! I’m not sure if I need to tag people individually or just respond so I’m going to answer as many of the questions as I can and hope for the best haha!

So like I said, 29 female diagnosed pre covid.
I am currently using libre 2 via iPhone.
Injections and using Lantus and Fiasp.
I have completed DAFNE course last year (although it wasn’t much change as I’ve been carb counting since diagnosis and use Carbs&Cals app).
My sugars are pretty good, I do keep a close eye on them with regular checks throughout the day (being a nursery nurse I am very busy so they are up and down a lot and I do have snacks to keep them in range).
I have recently had tests for coeliac, thyroid, liver and kidney functions etc, but with the response “no further action required” they aren’t interested in doing anymore tests or finding out what’s wrong.
I feel like my clinic just give me the whole “you’re sugars are in range and managed well so keep doing what you’re doing”.

Hope I’ve answered majority there and given enough info! It just feels like a vicious cycle of cracking on, being exhausted, having a breakdown, and repeat I just don’t know where to go next or what to do about it all.

Again thank you sooo much for so many responses, I’m really grateful
Sorry to hear you are having a tough time @diadavo

It sounds like you are working really hard! It can be so disappointing when the outcome of all your hard work is just a feeling of exhaustion and fatigue :(

Your diabetes management seems to be going well, but from what you are saying you certainly aren’t feeling well in yourself. I wonder if perhaps you are being negatively affected by the psychological impact of your diagnosis. Many people liken a diagnosis with T1 as a form of grieving (for lost health). And you can experience all the intensity of emotions that grief involves - anger, denial, bargaining, depression, and (sometimes) acceptance.

And just like other forms of grief, these won‘t trundle along in a neat and predictable order, but can assail you from all sides, all at once.

Plus of course you have the many extra decisions and thought processes that go into managing T1 day to day, and also have the negative impact of frustrations where your best efforts (that worked last week) now result in BG chaos. Exhausting!

If this is ringing bells for you, you might want to consider looking into talking therapies / counselling (your Dr or diabetes clinic may be able to refer you) or try some self-help routes like mindfulness and CBT which have very good clinical trial data, and can help reset the way our brains respond to the challenges of life with T1.
Hi @diadavo and welcome. Do you know if they ran any other blood test? I’m particularly thinking of iron/ferritin and maybe B and D vits. Ive had constant exhaustion too, but I’m perimenopausal and that add a whole new layer to fatigue so I think that’s defo not helping me. However after bringing my iron levels up when a test showed I was anemic I felt 50% better, then I started to workout again and I felt a bit better again. I’m not totally better but I will take it !

On a side note nursery nurse is no joke, my non diabetic daughter is about the return to her nursery job after her maternity leave… (out of the frying pan and into the fire) And she finds it totally exhausting and is struggling to do her homework of an evening.
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