First Flu post diagnosis - what do I need to watch for?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi guys

Just taken first flu post T2 diagnosis.

I'd planned to have a Libre in the cupboard for the winter - last thing I expected was August!!!

Any pointers for things I should be watching for BG wise?


Hi Niki, really sorry to hear you have fallen ill :( I can't remember, are you on any medication for your diabetes? If so, you should contact your doctor or nurse to see if you need to make any adjustments to doses. It's more than likely that your blood sugar levels will be elevated whilst your body fights the infection, but try to keep well-hydrated. Unless you are on insulin then you shouldn't have to worry about ketone levels, but keep an eye on things and test regularly.

Hope you are feeling much better very soon 🙂
Sorry to hear you're unwell, Niki. Just one thing to add, and I appreciate it won't help with this bout of flu, but everyone with diabetes is entitled to a fre flu vaccination. The programme usually starts in late Sept / early Oct each autumn, so look out for posters and / or phone your GP surgery then.
Sorry to hear you have flu Niki. I hope your better soon.
It would be best to contact your GP for advice .
I'd still opt to have the flu jab this year if I were you, as they're are several types of flu going around each year and the vaccine covers a few of them.
Sorry to hear you're so unwell. Try to keep eating and drinking plenty of fluids to keep your strength up. Paracetamol can be good to reduce fever. In terms of your diabetes, like Northerner says, your blood sugars may be higher whilst your body fights the infection so if you're on any medication, keep an eye on your sugars. Hope you get better soon
Sorry to hear that you have flu. As you say it is early in the year. In addition to other suggestions already made get lots of rest, lie down even if you can't sleep. Hope you will recover quickly. 🙂
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