First diabetic nurse appointment coming up

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
As the title suggests I’ve got my first appointment coming up (next Monday so I’m not going to stress about it!) with the diabetes nurse.
I’m curious what I should expect to be discussed and to happen so any guidance or hints would be gratefully received 🙂
When I was first diagnosed, I had so many appointments to see different Dr, Nurses, dietitican, consultants I got mixed up who was who and what I was seeing them for.
But today I saw the diabetic nurse and she gave me the results from my fasting blood test done two weeks ago, she checked my blood pressure and my feet, had a little chat and that was it.
As the title suggests I’ve got my first appointment coming up (next Monday so I’m not going to stress about it!) with the diabetes nurse.
I’m curious what I should expect to be discussed and to happen so any guidance or hints would be gratefully received 🙂
Are you seeing a specialist diabetic nurse ?
As the title suggests I’ve got my first appointment coming up (next Monday so I’m not going to stress about it!) with the diabetes nurse.
I’m curious what I should expect to be discussed and to happen so any guidance or hints would be gratefully received 🙂
I have had 2 appointments with the nurse. The first time I hadn't a clue what to expect. She was fine. Took BP, weighed me and did the foot thing. It took about 10 minutes. Now i have done all the firsts and am far less concerned about it all.
My suggestion would be to go in with an open mind, and to spend the next week trying to think of any questions you might have.

Sometimes it’s just a quick chat to see how you are getting on, but at least once a year you should be getting these ‘healthcare essentials’ -

It can be helpful to take a notepad with a list if you do have any things you’ve decided to ask, as I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve left an appointment only to think... “Oh, I forgot to ask about...”

Hope it goes really well. Having a positive and supportive relationship with your HCPs, alongside a solid peer support network (here!) is pretty much the dream team 🙂
Hi @ColinUK - you will be fine. It is just a chat about the diagnosis and any results. For me she booked me in for my fasting glucose test as this had been missed, checked my feet and gave me a pack of information which included the 15 Healthcare Essentials. I took a sheet of questions (I hadn't joined the forum at this point - 2 weeks after diagnosis), she did blood pressure - which back then was a little high and booked me for more blood tests as cholesterol was also high. It will all depend with where you are at right now re; apts/tests/results etc.
You have had all the advice ^^^ already - take a notepad etc. write down any info.
Are you seeing a specialist diabetic nurse ?
It’s the nurse at the practice who has that role in addition to other things so I’m guessing so.
It’s the nurse at the practice who has that role in addition to other things so I’m guessing so.
I think this will be your DN.
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