First 3 days on the Omnipod.

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I used my arm with my tubey pump for a short while. I can’t remember how long my tube was but it was the same length I always used and so would have been medium and not super-long. The reason it was a short while is that I found the absorption poor.

I ran the tube up my arm and had my pump either in my bra bag (clips on the side of bra under arm) or in my Hid-in waist belt. I didn’t get tangled because the tubing was under my clothes.
I wasted a pod yesterday as I attached it to my left arm too far round, so it was on my inner arm and I found it really irritating so I had to take it off (how you could wear your pump there @Inka I don't know - but kudos for being able to as it gives you more options). This morning I forgot the pod was there and pulled it with the towel after my shower. The backing which attaches the pump seems a bit vulnerabe when it's wet and I pulled a tiny hole in it which meant the pump was pulling away. I've stuck a load of Micropore tape over it which seems to be holding it fine.

Last night was nowhere near as flat as I went to bed with a BG of 8.4 due to eating very late - by 7ish I was woken with 4.1. Fixed that and went back to sleep, then overslept, when I finally surfaced I was 6.4. I can live with that though.... time in Target is stil 94% with only 1% below 3.9.
Mine was on my outer arm @Pattidevans Kind of where you’d put a Libre. I also tried more towards mid-arm. Hard to describe arm bits but if you reach out your arm with the back of your hand facing the ceiling, I put it in the bit of the upper arm you can see, more towards the edge.

As I said, apart from a few flukes, most of my arm sites were rubbishy absorption anyway. My thighs are my favourite site, but short of growing a few extra legs I’m forced to try new body areas after so long pumping.

Just another fun little thing that diabetes likes to throw in 🙄
I ran the tube up my arm and had my pump either in my bra bag (clips on the side of bra under arm)
Sorry I wasn't clear, I meant where you were wearing your pump, not the cannula.

You're right about the fun little things diabetes likes to throw at you!
Sorry I wasn't clear, I meant where you were wearing your pump, not the cannula.

You're right about the fun little things diabetes likes to throw at you!

Ah, ok - got you 🙂My little bra bag is actually one I got when I first started pumping and it was so useful, I kept it. Its very comfortable and secure, really well-made. Perhaps I find it comfortable because my arms are always waving around and rarely still by my sides :D
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