Finger prick kit?

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The Tee2 has the SmartLog app for iOS & Android. But like many, the app is IMO flawed when using bluetooth in that sync'd readings can't be modified or deleted. So if you get a duff result, confirmed by retesting, there's no way to correct that. It can't be deleted or corrected on the meter or in the app. This in turn will distort reports. Because of this I moved to manual entry.
How many dodgy results are you getting? So long as you’re washing your hands before testing you shouldn’t be getting dodgy results?
How many dodgy results are you getting? So long as you’re washing your hands before testing you shouldn’t be getting dodgy results?
Nothing to do with hand washing, just dodgy test strips. Around one in twenty, which fits in with the 95% that meters are required to read within 15%.
I have tee2+ meter and strips on repeat. smartlog app is basic compared to others but syncs to meter via bluetooth. Does what's needed and you can log medication, bp, food, exercise and photos with an entry along with a note (ie mark down it was a rogue test etc so you remember). It will give you glucose reports and you can access your smart log on the pc if you have set it to sync with your account (free).
I have android phone and it can be a little fiddly to get it to sync and often need to force close the app and reopen. kinda used to it now to be honest.
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