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That’s a good number! Well done! Keep an eye on that number so you don’t have a hypo
You must be very pleased with that.🙂

Now is a very good time to try a basal test.

When I do a basal test I just miss 1 meal. For example I miss breakfast one morning. I take my blood sugar reading when I wake up. Don't eat breakfast and don't take my humalog, I still take my daily basal as usual every day, that is essential. Then, check blood sugars once every hour until 12pm lunch meal time.

During those 4-5 hours from morning to lunch time, ideally my blood sugar should be the same (provided no excercise is being done). If it isn't, then I would do the same thing the next next day. Do another basal test.

If after a few basal test days, blood sugar is the same/steady over those same 4-5 hours, then that is a good result for the mornings.

If blood sugar is rising or dropping more than a few mmol over those few hours I know my basal dose isn't right. If blood sugar is constantly rising then I don't have enough basal insulin, if blood sugar is dropping, too much basal insulin and I would drop my basal dose 1 or 2 of units the next day and then basal test again. This is repeated until blood sugar during a missed meal is nice and steady and doesn't change much. A basal test can also be done with lunch time or evening meals.

Your doctor should be able to help you with this and help you adjust your basal should you need to.

It isn't easy and takes time to sort your basal out. Once you have your basal dose just right, then you can look at your meal time (bolus) doses. When you have both basal and bolus doses correct, life becomes a lot easier.

If my blood sugar is already in the 4's, then I would be careful and have some jelly babies ready at all times, just in case a hypo happens and then take 3 jelly babies, re test 15mins later to see if blood sugar has gone back into range (5-10mmol), if not, take another 2 jelly babies and re test. Repeat if necessary to bring blood sugar back into range.
I understand, bur dropped

ok so it looks like you need to speak with your doctor and explain that your blood sugar drops even when you don't take any humalog. It could be your toujeo dose is a bit too much. Your doctor will help you get your toujeo dose just right. It takes time, but it will be worth it.

how is your blood sugar now? after eating some sugar?
Okey thank you. Eat 3 bixit cookies. The blood sugar leves is 3.4
Okey thank you. Eat 3 bixit cookies. The blood sugar leves is 3.4
Have you eaten any FAST acting carbs?
As mentioned previously, biscuits contain fat which slows down the absorption of the sugar.

You need to treat with fast acting carbs such as cola, fruit juice or sweets first and then follow up with slower acting carbs such as biscuits once your levels have returned to non-hypo levels.

This is VERY important.
Eating food containing fat such as biscuits will prolong your hypo.
Fantastic advice as always @helli and couldn't agree more! xx
Have you eaten any FAST acting carbs?
As mentioned previously, biscuits contain fat which slows down the absorption of the sugar.

You need to treat with fast acting carbs such as cola, fruit juice or sweets first and then follow up with slower acting carbs such as biscuits once your levels have returned to non-hypo levels.

This is VERY important.
Eating food containing fat such as biscuits will prolong your hypo.
Actually Thats someone her sayed that biscuots is fast carbs. IT is alot og carbs i bixit
Actually Thats someone her sayed that biscuots is fast carbs. IT is alot og carbs i bixit
It is not just the amount of carbs but how quickly they will get into your system. Anything with fat in will be slower than something which is just sugar like coke or sweets.

If blood sugar is below 4 (hypo), jelly babies will work quicker than cookies. Next time you go to the shop, see if you can find some jelly babies or other high sugar easy to eat sweets. Something you can eat quickly.

If blood sugar is below 4 (hypo), jelly babies will work quicker than cookies. Next time you go to the shop, see if you can find some jelly babies or other high sugar easy to eat sweets. Something you can eat quickly.
I understand thank you very mucht ❤️dran 1.5 dl Coke to

If blood sugar is below 4 (hypo), jelly babies will work quicker than cookies. Next time you go to the shop, see if you can find some jelly babies or other high sugar easy to eat sweets. Something you can eat quickly.

Or message me your address and I can send you some in the post. 🙂
Thank you but find Something. After 3 bixit cookie and 1.5 Coke it is now 3.1

I understand thank you very mucht ❤️dran 1.5 dl Coke to
Eating the biscuits with fat in them will slow down the absorption of any carbs including the carbs in your Coke.
You need to avoid slow acting, fatty carbs such as biscuits until the fast acting carbs from your Coke has done its job and raised your levels so you are no longer hypo.

The advice to treat a hypo is
- eat/drink 15g FAST acting carbs like Coke
- test 15 minutes later
- if you are still hypo, repeat with 15g FAST acting carbs
- if your levels have risen to higher than 4mmol/l (and only if they have risen), eat 15g slow acting carbs such as biscuits

Do NOT eat biscuits if your levels are below 4mmol/l
This is VERY important - you are prolonging your hypo.

DId your stomach problems start when you started drinking coke regularly?

I am happy to send you some jelly babies. 🙂

For now, just check your blood sugar again in 15mins, if still not above 4 treat again and check again in 15mins.
No it statert 12n5 years ago
Eating the biscuits with fat in them will slow down the absorption of any carbs including the carbs in your Coke.
You need to avoid slow acting, fatty carbs such as biscuits until the fast acting carbs from your Coke has done its job and raised your levels so you are no longer hypo.

The advice to treat a hypo is
- eat/drink 15g FAST acting carbs like Coke
- test 15 minutes later
- if you are still hypo, repeat with 15g FAST acting carbs
- if your levels have risen to higher than 4mmol/l (and only if they have risen), eat 15g slow acting carbs such as biscuits

Do NOT eat biscuits if your levels are below 4mmol/l
This is VERY important - you are prolonging your hypo.
Thank you for all your information. I didnt know that with biscuitsi am sorry
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