Finally got funding for a pump!!

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Lantus is known to be painfull for some people. It's something to do with the PH. Using at room temp is supposed to help. Demand a change of basal. You or anyone else do not have to put up with it.
i get hot and sweaty when ive been both high and low in the night. did he do a blood test? if so what did it say?

i was told that lantus can sting some people. i find its massively less painful at room temperature and if i use my legs. im just finding places on my stomach that i can do it, now using shorter needles though. Im no wimp when it comes to pain but its been so bad for me sometimes thats its reduced me to tears and ive been tempted to "accidently on purpose" forget to do it, and im in my 20s!! must be really tough for someone younger.
Yes he did blood test -- 13! This is the trouble. In the last two weeks he's only had ONE morning on target. Hence starting 15 now after going through 14 units last week...I think he was high in the night, because he also got up in early morning for the loo -- another sign of running really quite high for him.

He does the levermir in his legs, and regularly finds it painful -- stinging is something I'll ask him about. It often hurts *after* he's injected...
I inject lantus and then 2-3 secs after i get a stinging sensation that seems to intesify over about 5-10 secs. Its then uncomfortable for up to a few mins. Sounds like your son and i have the same reaction to lantus. Definately try room temperature, makes a massive difference.

Are you aware of the rebound effect? this can also be a cause of high levels on waking but is actually a result of too much insulin and having a night hypo. This then causes the liver to through out lots of glucose to bring you back up. Only way to check is a 3am test if your still not getting good results on the change to 15.
Yes, we were fearful of night hypos, but got up last weekend to test him, and the levels were high even at 3am. I'm going to ask him about the stinging...the pen is always out of the fridge, so I guess that can't be it (and it's in the kitchen, where it's generally a good temp)... All the more reason for a pump!

Re pumping: it sounds like you so have the right attitude, Viki. Knowing it's going to be a haul all over again, but that ultimately the life quality will be better. Yay!
Lantus is known to be painfull for some people. It's something to do with the PH. Using at room temp is supposed to help. Demand a change of basal. You or anyone else do not have to put up with it.

It has exactly this effect on me, not always, but more often than not. As an adult I guess it's easier for me to accept than a child, but it's not pleasant!:(
patricia you say that your son is on levemir as far as I know levemir is PH neutral so shouldn't cause the same pain and stinging that lantus does. Is the levemir a large dose in comparison? it may be the volume being injected is uncomfortable? or if it's cold?

i was considering changing for that reason but my consultant didn't want me to to change last time I went.
For me lantus stings for about 5-10 seconds after injecting it, then I can feel where I've injected for about 30minutes afterwards. DSN I was chatting to thinks it's the biggest missed injection because of that reason.
As another thought too Patricia, what size needles is your son using? This could also make a dif.
good point - i recently changed from 8mm (ouch!!) to 5 and its made a big difference. Seems no one noticed i was using ones way to big for 2 years until i showed them my poor bruised thighs!!

Thats the only reason i can now inject into my stomach. this was impossible on the previous ones.
Wow, what a great forum...Right, I'm going to look at all this tonight and try to see a) when it hurts (eg injection or afterward, really) and b) needle size. I *think* they are tiny, but I'm going to check.

Hi there!
I have had an Animas IR 1200, and would recommend it. Not only is it easy to use. but the back up is great I normally wear the pump tucked in my bra, or slipped into a trouser pocket. It depends what I am wearing. All my worries regarding using and living my life with a pump attached, were very quickly resolved in no time at all, It was as if I had had the pump always. Good luck!🙂
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