Feeling sorry for myself

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Jessica was bottledfed for the first few days anyway because the midwife's kept ignoring me everytime I said I wanted to breastfeed one even said it was too fiddly whilst she was down in neo natal unit for the couple of days!

Emma x

Hi Emma,

Really glad you're feeling better! 🙂

Re the midwife's "support" (lack of) for you breastfeeding -sounds horribly like our experience...I won't start venting spleen here but there seems to be a definite "can't be a***d" attitude when it comes to helping diabetics get breastfeeding...not sure if it's a general staff shortage / lazy staff / seems to hard so don't bother trying issue, but it's seriously annoying!! I'm no "breast is best fascist", I'm sure it probably is the ideal, but I do think it's a bit dire how they give you all that emotional blackmail about "Breast it best, it reduces the chances of your child developing type 1 etc etc" & then positively put obstacles in your way!! 😡 (Sorry, said I wouldn't vent - will swallow rant now...). Grrrr.

Anyway, the main thing is your feeling better! Hope you, the other half & little one are all enjoying getting to know each other! 🙂

Twitchy x
I spoke too soon! tuesday I started feeling really bad so I made an appointment with the doctors but the health visitor was here an hour before and didn't leave until after the appointment had started so I missed that and then they had no appointments so I made one for this morning and I've got an infection brewing he couldn't see anything round the stitches but he said it's most likely internally if I've got a lot of pain again. Also said by the sounds of it I now have the beginnings of mastitis (spelling?) because one of my bosoms is so painfull. So i've got two types of antibiotics to take twice a day.

I know twitchy don't even get me started either! even thinking about it really makes me feel upset still because they kept on banging on about breast is best, yes so let me try then. I must go and do some deep breathing now.

Emma x
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