Feeling ill

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Not feeling to great. Have for last 5 days not had a bg reading under 15.9, this morning its 21.2 ok i know i had a burger last night.But have been very careful in what im eating at other times. Have had a couple of readings in the 30s mainly in the 24-28 range. I feel sick all the time keep trying to be as well. And to top it all I have thrush as well:(. my chest this morning feels tight when i try to cough. I feel like i did when i was first diagnosed. Have got a docs appointment tomorrow. Am taking all my meds/insulin as I should so why is this happening to me please i dont need this. I have art therapy and a meeting with my CPN this morning all I wanna do is curl up in bed and sleep
Not feeling to great. Have for last 5 days not had a bg reading under 15.9, this morning its 21.2 ok i know i had a burger last night.But have been very careful in what im eating at other times. Have had a couple of readings in the 30s mainly in the 24-28 range. I feel sick all the time keep trying to be as well. And to top it all I have thrush as well:(. my chest this morning feels tight when i try to cough. I feel like i did when i was first diagnosed. Have got a docs appointment tomorrow. Am taking all my meds/insulin as I should so why is this happening to me please i dont need this. I have art therapy and a meeting with my CPN this morning all I wanna do is curl up in bed and sleep

awww gail im sorry you feeling rough
im not suprised all u want to do is sleep , high b.s makes me tired too
i cant really advise but try drinking lots of water to flush out the sugar in your system for now x
Hi Gail

Sorry things are not to good for you at the moment..I have just left you a message on the "off the subject board"

Oh Gail sorry your not feeling so good at the moment, but I think it is important that you go to Art Therapy and see CPN today. They are there to help but they can only do that if you let them know how you are feeling.

Do hope you feel betta very soon,

Take care, lv Shirl x
Ring your GP and tell him your levels are high. High levels will be making you feel even worse. Drink lots of water to help with levels. Do try to go to your art therapy today - you need to be with someone when you feel like this.🙂Bev
I hope you are feeling better soon. Drink plenty, warm drinks will help ease your chest too. Get hold of your doctor and tell him how you feel and about your numbers and get a quicker appointment.

There are a lot of viruses going round at the moment too, there are several tummy bugs and coughs and sneezes aplenty in my office, but they will pass.
Hi Gail so sorry hun your not tip top, keep going and use us as you need to , you know you have so many great freinds who care for you deeply on here x
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Hope you feel a bit better now and were able to go out. I should try and get an appoint with the doc this afternoon, but if not have a good sleep like your body is telling you to. x
Thanks all for your very kind reply's it means a lot to me. Both my physical and mental health are very fragile at the moment my mind is taking me down tracks i dont wanna go keep thinking i would like to run away like i did a couple of weeks ago but look how that ended. sw cant get me emergency respite as the board are cutting back on things. Im trapped trying so hard to keep myself safe Still at least I see my rock of a GP tomorrow. I think im going to ask to go back on daily meds
take care all
Social Workers do my bloody head in when they're "making cutbacks" ... They're supposed to be there to provide the care that the person is needing ... not worry about budgeting!! Good luck with the Doctors I hope you feel better soon!! XxXxX
Hope you're feeling better soon gail xxx
Sorry you are feeling so rough,, lets hope your doc can help you tomorrow.

Keep drinking water tonight, we are all thinking of you.

take care x
Hope you are feeling better soon.
Im now off to bed i dont feel sick and my chest does not feel tight but have just taken my bg and its 31.9 😱 Im drinking water for england. dont have any keytones so thats good news
Im now off to bed i dont feel sick and my chest does not feel tight but have just taken my bg and its 31.9 😱 Im drinking water for england. dont have any keytones so thats good news

Just be careful huni going to bed on levels that high is not the best thing...can you not stay up for abit or at least keep an eye on your BS levels in bed? xxx

have you made sure its not just a dodgy reading by washing your hands and re-testing x
You must feel awful at levels like this, its not right and something needs to be done about your insulin requirements. Please tell the GP tomorrow and show him your meter and what levels you have been getting - it can be dangerous to be this high and go to bed. Drink lots and lots of water if you can and if you go any higher - ring nhs direct for advice.🙂bev
How are you feeling today? Hope that you start to feel better today and that you get great help from your GP
just got up did my bg several times in night its ranged from 28 to 20 its now 17 i feel a lot better now i see my gp this afternoon think i may just have some kind of bug
just got back from gp showed him my bg book he took bg it was Hi but i have no keytones He turned round and said how do you feel about hospital **** off was the reply. he said i thought you might say something like that. Problem is meds are not getting into your system. hes give me some Prochlorperazine for the sickness and will see me on Monday but has told me i must test bg as much as i can, if i get keytones im to go straight to a+e. he said if im like this monday hes gonna send me to MAU and bypass a+e
I know it must seem silly to some of you that I dont wanna go to hospital but have had bad experiences in past when i have gone up there with mental health problems so much so that if i turn up at a+e or for any appointment at the hospital security are called out will search my bag and stay with me all the time, this is due to the way i have been when ill or in psychosis and i cant change it i wish i could but it will always be on my record😡
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