Feed the Birds !

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bev is it any kind of cheese, i dont want to give them brie incase the smell alone knocks them out i have some cheshire in fridge its due to run out of date on the 8th
Think you can also use peanut butter, but am not sure how. The birds are supposed to love it...
Think you can also use peanut butter, but am not sure how. The birds are supposed to love it...

hint to stop squirrels is to sprinkle chilli powder on the food ...apparently it doesnt harm the birds but the squirrels hate it...i cant do this as the dogs snuffle up aound the birdtable and ...chilli makes dogs smell BAD:D
bev is it any kind of cheese, i dont want to give them brie incase the smell alone knocks them out i have some cheshire in fridge its due to run out of date on the 8th

Yes any cheese - but best to stay away from the really salty mature types like vintage cheddar etc.. If you dont want the cheshire for anything - chop it up small and sit and watch them - they will love it!

Also, someone said give them rice in with the fat and seeds - but i was always told not to give them rice as it swells in their tummies and can make them ill and thirsty.🙂Bev
Yes any cheese - but best to stay away from the really salty mature types like vintage cheddar etc.. If you dont want the cheshire for anything - chop it up small and sit and watch them - they will love it!

Also, someone said give them rice in with the fat and seeds - but i was always told not to give them rice as it swells in their tummies and can make them ill and thirsty.🙂Bev

nah dont need it , it would of just been thrown away , wow this is great im so pleased vince13 started thread,my birdy visitors are going to be eating better then i do from now on

Yes any cheese - but best to stay away from the really salty mature types like vintage cheddar etc.. If you dont want the cheshire for anything - chop it up small and sit and watch them - they will love it!

Also, someone said give them rice in with the fat and seeds - but i was always told not to give them rice as it swells in their tummies and can make them ill and thirsty.🙂Bev

it was me re the rice..thanks for the prompt id hate to hurt any birdy tummys!
it was me re the rice..thanks for the prompt id hate to hurt any birdy tummys!

I cant remember who told me this - i am just assuming they were right - so havent ever fed rice to birds - but of course this could be one of those 'old wives tales' - if anyone knows if there is any truth in this it would be appreciated.🙂Bev
had a look on rspb site

"Bird cake and food bars
Fat balls and other fat-based food bars are excellent winter food. If they are sold in nylon mesh bags, always remove the bag before putting the fat ball out ? the soft mesh can trap and injure birds. You can make your own bird cake by pouring melted fat (suet or lard) onto a mixture of ingredients such as seeds, nuts, dried fruit, oatmeal, cheese and cake. Use about one-third fat to two-thirds mixture. Stir well in a bowl and allow it to set in a container of your choice. An empty coconut shell, plastic cup or tit bell makes an ideal bird cake ?feeder?. Alternatively, you can turn it out onto your birdtable when solid."

re peanut butter
These are rich in fat and are popular with tits, greenfinches, house sparrows, nuthatches, great spotted woodpeckers and siskins. Crushed or grated nuts attract robins, dunnocks and even wrens. Nuthatches and coal tits may hoard peanuts. Salted or dry roasted peanuts should not be used. Peanuts can be high in a natural toxin, which can kill birds, so buy from a reputable dealer, such as our online shop, to guarantee freedom from aflatoxin"
peanut butter is salted ???

whole link
re the Rice...
"Avoid seed mixtures that have split peas, beans, dried rice or lentils as again only the large species can eat them dry."
i think the guy from rspb in scotland had cooked rice....but maybe best avioded if we're not sure"
Ooer ! I see I am preaching to the converted !! (Sorry to tap into your line of things Minster !) but I'm glad to know I'm not the only "softee" when it comes to our feathered friends.

I might have known you lot would have cared for the birds as well as each other.

Hugs all round....................
Ooer ! I see I am preaching to the converted !! (Sorry to tap into your line of things Minster !) but I'm glad to know I'm not the only "softee" when it comes to our feathered friends.

I might have known you lot would have cared for the birds as well as each other.

Hugs all round....................

~hugs~ I think its natural for most of us to hve a soft side when it comes to animals ,although i draw the line at rats!
I know people matter but (OK this is where I sound like David Attenborough) please don't forget to put food out for the birds - out of the reach of next-door's cat !.

The blackbirds, robin and pigeons look like they are fat enough already but it's only because they're fluffed up in the cold.

I'm probably talking to the converted but birds can't get much food themselves in this very cold weather.

Sorry for being a sentimental old fool.............

I saw the title of your thread and immediately thought of Julie Andrews. :D I have a bird feeder out in the garden, it also feeds a few red squirrels that live in the area. I love watching them all.
I saw the title of your thread and immediately thought of Julie Andrews.

I'm afraid that was the idea ! I envy you the squirrels, I know some people think of them as pests but they can be so entertaining.

Thank you all for entering into the spirit of this post.......all for now
I'm afraid that was the idea ! I envy you the squirrels, I know some people think of them as pests but they can be so entertaining.

Thank you all for entering into the spirit of this post.......all for now

The grey ones are pests that were imported from America. The red ones are an endangered species and the Highlands is one of their last remaining refuges.
Good nod, went and bought some fat balls (although tempted to munch them myself!) and some seeds/nuts will put them out in the morning and make sure they're out of reach of the cats!
please remember that if you start to feed the birds you must carry on they get well use to it and will start to hang out waiting !
if you are going away slow down the amount over a few days before you go then build up again when you come back...gives them time to adjust and find new feeding sites.
Good advise there cheers,

Me bro bought us a bird table and we now have 3 bird houses to put up on various selected locations so will make sure we keep up a good 24hr bird cafe society doon here.🙂
Good advise there cheers,

Me bro bought us a bird table and we now have 3 bird houses to put up on various selected locations so will make sure we keep up a good 24hr bird cafe society doon here.🙂

bells on the cats??
am thats fab advice cheers , i got mine sorted but the bird wont be able to see it for the snow gr
We visted my parents between Christmas & New Year. One meal was lamb chops, so Mum & I cut off the fat before grilling, but didn't waste it - bagged up for our cat, and what she didn't eat went in the garden for our ducks or on the bird table, cut into tiny pieces for little beaks. Much better than going to landfill to convert to methane. And cat is kep in overnight to reduce her hunting.
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