Feed the Birds !

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I know people matter but (OK this is where I sound like David Attenborough) please don't forget to put food out for the birds - out of the reach of next-door's cat !.

The blackbirds, robin and pigeons look like they are fat enough already but it's only because they're fluffed up in the cold.

I'm probably talking to the converted but birds can't get much food themselves in this very cold weather.

Sorry for being a sentimental old fool.............
I love my feathered visitors to my garden - will certainly be putting some nuts and bread out for them, and a dish of water (see how quickly it freezes!😱)
My husband has been going out each morning and knocking large holes in the garden pond so birds can get to the water. He was a bit late out there this morning - an audience of birds was awaiting him, you could almost see them standing their tapping their claws with impatience! Extra fat balls going out later
lol vanessa , i have a little bird feeder and i fill it with nuts every 3 days.
I have a bird table and a bird feeder and try to feed the birds often. I put out a variety of seeds, nuts and fat balls.
I chuck bird food n crumbs up onto my shed roof for the little fluffies to get. Well out the reach of my cats 😉
can i just ask what are fat balls? or is that silly Q
Bird Food

I always feed the birds all year round, as do our neighbours, so we have lots
of visitors to the feeders, they also like to pick up a few of the garden "nasties"
so that's a bonus!

Most fatballs are seeds in lard, well you did ask!
I always feed the birds all year round, as do our neighbours, so we have lots
of visitors to the feeders, they also like to pick up a few of the garden "nasties"
so that's a bonus!

Most fatballs are seeds in lard, well you did ask!

oooh thats ok then i have some of that , so i just roll the seeds around in lard yeah?
can i just ask what are fat balls? or is that silly Q

Not sure what kind of fat it is, but it is balls of fat with nuts and seeds and other goodies for birds in them. Some come in little net things to hang up and some you can put in bird feeders.

Somewhere on the RSPB website, it tells toy how to make fat balls and other birdy treats. Not sure if it is www.rspb.org.uk or www.rspb.co.uk
🙂 hubby has just put some more Fat Balls and seed out When I was getting brekky a lovely little robin came and had a good feed - nice to see on a cold frosty morning!🙂

Hugs Mo xx
I like robins, one follows my dad round when he is digging in the garden and has the worms and little insects that get dug up, especially when there are babies to feed.
so can i make my own fatballs up or do i buy from shop?
so can i make my own fatballs up or do i buy from shop?

when i was deigning a new playgroup in scotland i went along and helped out for a day just to get the feel of how they use the space....anyway the man from the RSPB came and we made fat balls with the youngeters very easy

use seeds breadcumbs fruit rice nuts any cereals infact and put into small plastic pot/cup about 2/3 rd full ...with like a loop of string hanging out top...
heat up some lard ...(the bloke brought some in a thermos) ... and add enought to make the mixure thoroughly coated + more leave to totally set..in fridge or outside if like me its colder out there at mo hehee
when totally set remove plastic cup and hang up Traalaaaa

i have also one of those fat seperating gravy jugs which i add broken biscuits cereal etc to the fat left over.. make like a paste then put on lumps onto the feeders...very quick and easy and dont have to get involved in hot lard!!

other one is wipe bread round the grill pan or frying pan and hang in bushes..bit of a favourite with robins aswell ...

i could go on cos our family name is bird !! but look at link to RSPB website

when i was deigning a new playgroup in scotland i went along and helped out for a day just to get the feel of how they use the space....anyway the man from the RSPB came and we made fat balls with the youngeters very easy

use seeds breadcumbs fruit rice nuts any cereals infact and put into small plastic pot/cup about 2/3 rd full ...with like a loop of string hanging out top...
heat up some lard ...(the bloke brought some in a thermos) ... and add enought to make the mixure thoroughly coated + more leave to totally set..in fridge or outside if like me its colder out there at mo hehee
when totally set remove plastic cup and hang up Traalaaaa

i have also one of those fat seperating gravy jugs which i add broken biscuits cereal etc to the fat left over.. make like a paste then put on lumps onto the feeders...very quick and easy and dont have to get involved in hot lard!!

other one is wipe bread round the grill pan or frying pan and hang in bushes..bit of a favourite with robins aswell ...

i could go on cos our family name is bird !! but look at link to RSPB website


thanks am your a star xx guess what im guna be doing rest of day haha
Robins love cheese! I chop it up into tiny squares and they love it - they need the fat to keep warm.🙂Bev
Robins love cheese! I chop it up into tiny squares and they love it - they need the fat to keep warm.🙂Bev

Nice one bev, didn't realise they like cheese - will put some out as I saw a robin about ten minutes ago in my garden!🙂
I have 3 or 4 on the balcony every day - it seems they wait for the cheese because if i just put bread out - they fly off!🙂Bev
Nice one bev, didn't realise they like cheese - will put some out as I saw a robin about ten minutes ago in my garden!🙂

we have a pair of resident robins..a pair of dunnocks ...trushes...black birds...woodpigeons that wind the dogs up...great tits blue tits and coal tits aswell as a flock of long tail tits (titmouse) wrens and chaffinches. we also have mice but not so many this year cos we got a weasel!! well i do live in the woods
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