Fed up . . .

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
. . . fed up, fed up, fed up, fed up, fed up!!

Just been reviewing last weeks BG results and they are atrocious. Looking at my chart and all i can see is a sea of blue (i am a loser and colour coordinate my BG records - Blue for high, red for low).

Feels like an never-ending battle to get basals and ratios right, and im not convinced im any where nearer to winning than i was 3 years ago.

Im seriously starting to think the only way ill ever do it is to eat the same amount or no carbs per meal, give up drinking and any form of social life i may have, have a totally rigid routine and basically become a miserable, boring old fart at 25!!

Grrrrrrr sometimes i wish i could give my pancreas a great big kick up the back side!!!! . . . but that would just hurt 😱
Hi Viki,

Much the same for me here. I've had a shed load of hypos over the past few days which hasn't helped me out. I've been fighting with basals for about a month and illness all of last month and have been completely shafted. I get exactly the same feelings as you. I just want to be able to get on with life and have good numbers but being a student doesn't really make that possible. Everything seems to be so brittle at the moment. So damn frustrating.

I know just where you're coming from.


That would be a remarkable feat of agility Viki!😱

Sorry things are so haywire. From what I've gathered, getting things right on the pump can be tricky and take some time. Is it possible for you to see a pump-trained nurse who can give you some pointers? Remember that it's best to try changing one thing at a time so you can eliminate problems with confidence. Your DSN might be able to give you some recommendations.

I hope things get sorted soon - as you say, you need to be living your life, not being held hostage to your blood sugar levels. You've had a bit of a tough time lately, so don't beat yourself up - you will get there, I'm sure! I don't want you to be in a bad mood when I meet you!😱 (ducks and runs!🙂)
I got into proper "i hate diabetes" mode this weekend. Maybe shouldnt have reviewed last week whilst feeling negative anyway.

Brad and i went away and were having breakfst in the hotel and he ploughed through 3 plates of fry-ups, toast, patries etc and about a pint of orange juice without a second thought.

I just wish i could have that freedom back for just a bit.

I had one cinnamon whirl and about 100mls of orange juice and felt instantly hot and yuck and just sat there hugging my cup of tea whilst he finished, waiting for my insulin to catch up.
That sucks! I once got a severe telling off in my pre-diabetes days when I wolfed down a huge plate of food in front of my then starving/dieting girlfriend - no hugs for me for a while!😱
Hey Viki and Tom

Sorry you feeling troubled in this way, hopefully it will pass.

I'm sure you'll get it under control soon enough, but how about being a recluse (aka boring old fart) for just a wee while to try and get basal sorted then work out some ratios??

I've been keeping a diary the last few days, something I've often suggested to others to do but never done myself, I was gonna print of a spreadsheet page for each day and fill it in, but never did, all I've done is find a small pad of paper and a pencil I'm noting times / bg levels / approx intake of carbs / how much I inject / what I'm doing that day. It's all approximate and not wholly accurate, but is giving me a good over view of what ratios I should be using as prior to this I was guessing and running high.

Just thought I'd share maybe it'll help maybe it won't!

hope you feel better soon


PS don't give up the sauce😉
Sadly i think im going to have to get on the wagon for a little while as i do seem to lose the plot levels wise over the weekends. Then its a good 24hours before i can trust whether my readings arent still booze backlashes!

So i think i might give it up till christmas :(. And really concentrate on sorting myself out with decent data to work from. (can you tell i do boring reports and analysis for a living!!)

I keep my BG records in excel - im a bit of a geek and have set one up so that as i enter my bgs etc is produces lovely colourful graphs and pie charts etc. Looks lovely and gets me gold stars with the docs until they actually see the numbers!!

I am very naughty in the way that i sometimes change loads of things at once because they could all be the problem, then you have no idea whats done what and have to start all over again! So ill be trying to restrain myself for the next few weeks. Change one thing, wait a day or two, change another thing, wait a day or two . . blah blah blah!!!

And i promise not to be grumpy next saturday . . . :D
That sucks! I once got a severe telling off in my pre-diabetes days when I wolfed down a huge plate of food in front of my then starving/dieting girlfriend - no hugs for me for a while!😱

What makes it worse is hes one of these people who eats his body weight in food everyday and stays perfectly in shape . . . . 😡😡😡
Lets hope you're not😉

It's understandable to change everything quickly you want to get levels under control!

I keep meaning to download my readings into some software (obviously wouldn't be as groovy or colourful as yours Viki!) but haven't yet, I've finally got the usb cable though so I'm getting there.

Short trips on the wagon aren't so bad Viki, so com'on chin up! You could also save a small fortune!!:D

I had a wee break earlier to try and sort out my blood pressure, after reading what Northe' said about it affecting your levels for days, result was a normal to good reading!!

Hope you work it out soon.

Rossi 🙂
I keep my BG records in excel - im a bit of a geek and have set one up so that as i enter my bgs etc is produces lovely colourful graphs and pie charts etc. Looks lovely and gets me gold stars with the docs until they actually see the numbers!!

Me too Viki. I'm so used to collating data this way that it never occurred to me not to do it with my BGL too. It's a good clear way of presenting the data that even a doctor can understand.:D

I'd agree with the view that changing only one thing at a time is the sensible way to go. I did something similar when trying to figure which allergy did what and it works. You get a much clearer picture of what's happening that way and it's much less confusing. Especially if you keep another chart.😉

I hope you can get it sorted out soon and get back to living life instead of living diabetes.
Just had a hypo at 5.15pm. Now i have to sit at work and wait until its "safe" to drive home!!!

Seriously unimpressed with Diabetes right now!
that sucks! I had that once after finishing a night shift I was so tired and just wanted to get home to sleep, ended up sitting in my car eating a cooked breakfast.

Hope you start to feel better about all things diabetes soon
Yep, that's rough - and a good reason for cycling / walking / public transport! I had a detour on my way home from work - 2 miles extra by bike, to a nature reserve for a 1 mile walk, then train to home city, then 1/2 mile from station to home. But have to drive 40 miles each way on Fri, with possibility of stopping off at wildlife reserve on way home if I finish on time.
Hope you're having a break from your analysis / reports while your blood glucose comes right?
yep sitting on here instead! You lot are a bit more understanding of hypo typos! 🙂

God knows what mess id make of my work if i tried to do that right now!
hypo typo! excellent!

Love the phrase "hypo typos" - I must use it more often (while aiming for as few as possible hypos)
Sorry to hear how you feel Viki and Tom.

I get fed up sometimes. I've had a short fuse these last few days and I sympathise. I wish I could help you.

I love the Hypo Typos expression. I'll tell that to my friend Colin's T1 son... He's always on MSN.

This boy suffers from what his father calls Hypo Tourettes...😱 As I found out in ASDAs yesterday afternoon.... I ended up marching him to the drinks isle and giving him some orange juice that hadn't been paid for yet. Security were OK about it.
Hi Viki,

Sorry to hear everything is a bit crap at the moment (and Tom too) I hate it when things get like that. I dont want to put words in your mouth, but I have felt on many occassions quite 'old before my time' to do with drinking etc. It can be really dull. I still crave a bloody great big bender- Id love to get right out of my tree sometimes like everyone else, but no, not me.....GRRRR.

I love that you colour code! If it makes you feel less of a loser, I purchased a pack of multi-coloured highlighters to reflect my diabetes log on paper. I am addicted to highlighting anything. It is sad. I am ashammed of myself. Proper ashammed Viki.

Perhaps DUK could donate us a BM monitor nurse for next saturday, whilst we all get wasted on diabetic mass?? Ack.....perhaps not.

Hugs next saturday Viki, bigguns' x
Hi Viki,

Sorry to hear everything is a bit crap at the moment (and Tom too) I hate it when things get like that. I dont want to put words in your mouth, but I have felt on many occassions quite 'old before my time' to do with drinking etc. It can be really dull. I still crave a bloody great big bender- Id love to get right out of my tree sometimes like everyone else, but no, not me.....GRRRR.

I love that you colour code! If it makes you feel less of a loser, I purchased a pack of multi-coloured highlighters to reflect my diabetes log on paper. I am addicted to highlighting anything. It is sad. I am ashammed of myself. Proper ashammed Viki.

Perhaps DUK could donate us a BM monitor nurse for next saturday, whilst we all get wasted on diabetic mass?? Ack.....perhaps not.

Hugs next saturday Viki, bigguns' x

Hmmn good thinking - then we can all forget diabetes for a day and let someone else do all the monitoring and decision making!!

Ive decided to have 2 weeks off drinking, which sadly does include our meet but then it might be best that you guys dont meet the dribbly, drunken version of me!!

Will see how the BGs go and make a decision on the next 2 weeks. I really dont want to cut it out altogether but im not very good at just having one or two . . . unless we're talking bottles 😉. This time of year sucks for behaving too!!

PS - never be ashamed of highlighting!! Is it sad that i have my favourite ones at work that i NEVER lend anyone . . . . 😱
Perhaps DUK could donate us a BM monitor nurse for next saturday, whilst we all get wasted on diabetic mass?? Ack.....perhaps not.

I love this idea! :D

I've been to clinic today and feel really rubbish about it. will probably post about it. I hope that meeting up with everyone will help, I know in the past when I have felt a bit down about things meeting up with someone else who has diabetes has really helped.
oh dear - id ask what happened but ill wait till you start your new thread...

I always find talking to someone who actually knows what a grind it is everyday makes me feel better, even if all they do is agree that diabetes is hugely annoying! :(
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