Fed up of diabetes


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi. I have had a rough day with my bloods last night they were high all night and today have been all over the place up and down. I feel really fed up and just want a break. But I know it's not possible. Just looking for some advice on how to feel better.
Sorry to hear you have had "one of those days" where you are fighting to try to manage things. We all get them from time to time, so can really sympathise. Could you be coming down with something? There is a lot of Covid going around at the moment and I found my levels suddenly started climbing the day before I got any symptoms.
Otherwise, could it be that the cooler weather means that your basal dose needs to be increased. Invariably when my diabetes becomes frustratingly difficult to manage, it is because my basal dose(s) need adjusting. Just 1 or 2 units increase in basal can make the world of difference for me when I am going high and having to do lots of corrections and then eventually I hypo because I got too frustrated and gave myself a "rage bolus" to try to deal with it. It always amazes me that just 1 or 2 units more Levemir (my basal insulin) can sort things out when 10 or more units of Fiasp were needed to try to keep a l;id on it the previous day.
I know we all feel your pain @AlicePalace - It is very difficult - You are not alone and that is a big thing - we are all going through this horrible thing that has been forced on us and we are all here to help - this forum is a brilliant way to get some support from those who know what you are going through - I've taken up a few more hobbies since diagnosis (2yrs ago) and it has helped me to stop over-thinking things - Big hugs to you - it is hard but you will get there
Thanks. I could be getting a cold as I have been coughing a bit lately so that could be what's causing it. I don't know what else it could be. I also feel let down by my diabetes doctor my appointment was cancelled in May and I have been waiting since then for an appointment I got a letter the other day and my appointment isn't until 6th March next year so that is also affecting my mood
Yes, this D malarkey can be tough @AlicePalace and whether you are 19 or 75 there can be moments (days) when everything seems to stack badly. If nothing else, just writing something down and sharing has a certain amount of stress relief and reassurance. In our own way we are wishing you a better tomorrow. Keep sharing!
Every Diabetes sufferer has been in this exact spot you're in right now @AlicePalace ...but you've got to remind yourself not to give up because that's what it wants you to do.
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Is this what they call diabetes depression or burnout ?
I'm no expert. But I feel there is a difference between feeling under the weather regarding the possibility of coming down with lurgy, which one hopes you are over for that "planned event." & longer term mental health issues that could affect personal negative life choices?
Hi @AlicePalace,

I am not sure if it makes you feel better when every person with Type 1 says "yep, I have been there" or whether that makes it feel worse. But there are days when diabetes just seems to want to stamp its feet, stick its tongue out at you and behave like a misbehaving toddler. For me, than analogy really helps because I then remember the days when my nieces are loving, caring, funny toddlers. Ok so diabetes may never be funny but the analogy reminds me how one (or two days) of misbehaviour is not normal and we will soon get back to normality.

Or if you want a more practical suggestion, it may help to "loosen your targets"- raise your upper target on your Libre and give yourself a bit of slack. A week with slightly higher BG is not going to cause major issues but can help with your mental health.
I don't know if is a thing or not but I feel drained by my diabetes that's the easiest way to describe it
I also feel let down by my diabetes doctor my appointment was cancelled in May and I have been waiting since then for an appointment I got a letter the other day and my appointment isn't until 6th March next year so that is also affecting my mood
I've had similar. Then ironically I get called out as a "no show?" But then they are puzzled at the fact there are results from the appointment from the DSN. I was meant to have a phone consultation with the endo a few months ago. Sat like an idiot putting time aside for the call? Gave it an hour. It never rang.

I don't know if is a thing or not but I feel drained by my diabetes that's the easiest way to describe it
High or fluctuating BGs swinging to extremes can have that effect, in my experience. Mildly cheesed off?
I've had similar. Then ironically I get called out as a "no show?" But then they are puzzled at the fact there are results from the appointment from the DSN. I was meant to have a phone consultation with the endo a few months ago. Sat like an idiot putting time aside for the call? Gave it an hour. It never rang.

High or fluctuating BGs swinging to extremes can have that effect, in my experience. Mildly cheesed off?
Yea it can be annoying when I was under the children's team I was seen every 3 months. Now I haven't seen my doctor since last year
I'm really sorry you're going through the diabetes fatigue, Alice... I know it can get really overwhelming, especially if you're not getting proper support. It could be, as you said, that you're coming down with something and generally feeling under the weather, but if you are feeling unwell - please fight for yourself and get an appointment. I understand it is sometimes easier said than done, especially if you're not at a 100%, but your health needs to be a top priority.
I think I might have a cold I am just having a chill day at home and try to get in contact with my nurse later
Sometimes the best way to handle it is "not now world, I'm busy." Hang out a gone fishing sign? Are you familiar with the "sick day rules?" (An insulin users hand book regarding general viral infections & the managment of BGs, during "unlikely event.") More like a "flow chart," realy.
Hi. I have had a rough day with my bloods last night they were high all night and today have been all over the place up and down. I feel really fed up and just want a break. But I know it's not possible. Just looking for some advice on how to feel better.
I'm very sorry to hear that. Can your Diabetes team refer you to an NHS psychological therapies service? There may even be a dedicated NHS Diabetes Clinical Psychologist in your area.