faulty Silhouette

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I've been sent a big screw apart plastic tube in the post to return the ones that broke. Hopefully they'll be able to figure out what's gone wrong.
I am in California and I have been having this exact problem with Silhouette infusion sets for the last few months. MM has told me on the phone that they have no idea about this problem and insinuated it was because i "pulled on it." I have never felt more betrayed by a medical company, they know there is a problem and are denying it, I have returned five faulty tubing sets to them and have gotten no response other than two replacement sets. I am a 41 yo man and have been using Silhouettes for 12 years without problem until now.
I put an order in today and the Silhouettes came back as being 'out of stock'.

I've not heard of an MRHA advisory or anything though, so that could just be coincidence.
Looks like I just connected with a bad customer service rep in July when I made my initial complaint. The guy I spoke with today was incredibly attentive and was very interested in getting the five additional failed silhouettes I have in my possession (not including the one from last night that left me at 450 mg/dl.) He also got my remaining boxes replaced with a different style of infusion set, a sof-set, which I haven't used for a long time but remember well. It is surprising to me how different the calls went, today the guy was positive and attentive, in July it was accusing and abrasive. The July guy told me that no problem existed and it was random as far as he was concerned, after twelve of the exact same failure from different lot numbers I'm relieved it is finally getting some attention. I'm reluctantly liking MM again, I'll post again when something else happens.
I put an order in today and the Silhouettes came back as being 'out of stock'.

I've not heard of an MRHA advisory or anything though, so that could just be coincidence.

There has been quite a few reports in the UK and USA about sets coming apart, so suspect the company is going to have to do something about it now.

Animas have had problems with the stick of some sets, I was fobbed off but soon found more than a few other animas users with the same problem.
Wow! That seems really unlucky.

I've been using them for years and never had anything like this - I wonder how you can have had so many. Were they from the same lot number? Have you been reporting to Medtronic?
Wow! That seems really unlucky.

I've been using them for years and never had anything like this - I wonder how you can have had so many. Were they from the same lot number? Have you been reporting to Medtronic?

Yes. I've been reporting to MHRA, who then pass complaints on to Medtronic. Medtronic were in touch today and are sending a canister so I can return this third one for analysis. Still not heard back about the two I returned in the summer.

Two lot numbers were consecutive. This one's completely different. All same expiry date though.

There are other people having the same issue if you do a bit of googling. I've never had this problem with Mios, only Silhouette. :confused:
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Hope you get some answers Chandler. Are you tempted to change set types?

I'd be lost without silhouettes!
Hope you get some answers Chandler. Are you tempted to change set types?

I'd be lost without silhouettes!

I did a whole year just on Mios and quite like them. They're no use on my legs though, the cannula bends every time. It's annoying that I'm heavily built and have big thighs but the underlying muscle doesn't let me use even a 6mm straight cannula.

Silhouette seems to be my answer to getting good rotation of sites. I've been requesting 2 boxes of Mio and one of Silhouette in my quarterly order to Medtronic. Now that I've got the insertion technique sussed, I'm hoping this issue gets sorted so I don't have to go looking for a different set to use in my legs.

Do you use silhouettes for all your sites?
Have never used any other with No problems. At work am all over, under floors ,in lofts & gets knocked all the time without any problems !
Do you use silhouettes for all your sites?

Yup. Have been doing so for a couple of years more or less.

Tried Mios but didn't like the the self-serter thinghy. Also tried Sure-T but wasn't keen on 2-day side changes and the extra loop.

Would prob have to use those though if Sils became unreliable.

Wish I knew what was behind your experience :(
Well thank goodness they are acknowledging the problem!! - hopefully they can fix it asap. Thanks for the link Chandler 🙂
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