faulty Silhouette

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Has anyone had a Medtronic Silhouette set come apart on them?

I was advised to try Silhouette instead of Mios by my DSN. The first one (in my leg) was ok. When I changed the set on day 3, the second set seems to have fallen apart overnight. In the morning, I realised I was no longer connected to the pump because the tubing had come right out of the connector on my thigh while I slept - the two sides of the commection were still on my leg, it was just that the tube was ripped clean out.

I found the pump at the bottom of my bed and my blood glucose was 16.5. I suppose I could have rolled in such a way to cause this but it's not happened in a year of using Mios. Just wondering if it's happened to anyone else?
Not had it happen with the Sils but exactly same thing has happened with the sure T's twice to us. It is the most frustrating part of pumping having a faulty cannula. I phoned Medtronic and have sent the problematic ones back (they sent a tube and pre-paid envelope to send to them). I try to remember to check for this prior to insertion but it's just yet another thing 😡
Good grief.

No sign of such probs with the Roche ones.
Never in over six years of using Sils! I think you've been very unlucky.
No - used sils for 3 years without a problem
Thanks folks. I did contact Medtronic about it via their website but no response yet, that's what prompted me to ask on here. Does sound like I've been unlucky, then. I've kept the bits incase they want to see it.
Just spotted this,
I woke up this morning to find that this had happened. I've been using silhouettes for over 6 years and it is a first. Luckily I went to bed with a level of 90 (5mmol) and woke up at 130 (7.2) so it was more annoying than anything else.

I once tried to take one apart because I wanted to try to use the tubing for something and it took a lot of force. I wonder if there is a batch with a manufacturing fault.
I was debating whether to report it: I'm not sure that I can explain it in French so I wonder if I could report it on the UK website.
Can you check the batch number both to see if it's the same?
mine is different batch & expires 2019-01. finally got a reply from Medtronic today. Not helpful, suggests ensuring everything tucked into waistband at bedtime!

I shall raise a report on the mhra website. Perhaps you could do the same?
Funny how a few of us are suddenly experiencing problems with this on Medtronic tubing, wonder if the adhesive or whatever it is that binds them has changed. Do report it as they need to know if it's a widespread problem and not just occasional one off's - I was under the impression they would examine the faulty one's hence them sending a returns tube and form to fill in for ours :-/
Woke up this morning to find another broken Medtronic Silhouette infusion set. Same as before, the tubing detached from the connector into the cannula.

Not the same lot number as last time.

Has anyone else noticed that Medtronic set tubing is now rough and opaque? It used to be smooth and clear. Just saying.
I've had some cloudy tubing and some clear tubing over the last year or two that Ive been using Sils.

Never had a problem like you are describing though. Sounds grim.
I knew as soon as I woke up. Felt sick, just like the bad old days before I got the pump. Sure enough, high overnight blood sugar.

I've emailed Medtronic. Luckily the wrapper was still in the bathroom bin. It's not the same lot number as the box, this was the one they sent out as a replacement for the previous faulty Silhouette. Consecutive lot numbers though.

I have sent Medtronic another email.

Here's what the failed set looks like.

I knew as soon as I woke up. Felt sick, just like the bad old days before I got the pump. Sure enough, high overnight blood sugar.

I've emailed Medtronic. Luckily the wrapper was still in the bathroom bin. It's not the same lot number as the box, this was the one they sent out as a replacement for the previous faulty Silhouette. Consecutive lot numbers though.

I have sent Medtronic another email.

Here's what the failed set looks like.


Chandler, this is exactly what happened to the sure T sets - at that exact same part, we had a spate of 3 within a few weeks of one another. Nothing since. That was about 4 months ago. Not good enough Medtronic 😡
:(. That's terrible. What do Medtronic have to say for themselves?
I reported it to Medtronic and sent them in to them but no feedback. I will use the link you have given too if it's not too late to do so now.
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