Fatty Liver?

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Thank you for this. I agree with your verdict. I never had the classic markers for PBC apart from a positive AMA result. If it hadn't been for the PBC foundation I would have felt like giving up. I am hoping for a clean bill of health regards this so that I can focus on living my life again.
I’m so hoping that for you too! I will be checking on you. So please come back when your ready. Sending hugs
Sending positive vibes your way and very much hoping it is what it is looking like....ie a bit of a storm in a teacup.... but goodness, what an emotional upheaval you have had from this event. I would have been a wreck!
Look forward to you posting a positive outcome from your appointment later in the day. At least it seems like they have been very thorough in checking you out.
Good luck!
Sending positive vibes your way and very much hoping it is what it is looking like....ie a bit of a storm in a teacup.... but goodness, what an emotional upheaval you have had from this event. I would have been a wreck!
Look forward to you posting a positive outcome from your appointment later in the day. At least it seems like they have been very thorough in checking you out.
Good luck!

Thank you. I have really struggled. Appointment is 3.45 and I will update as soon as I am able.
Disappointingly the MRI results are not back so she could only discuss the blood results. I am still AMA positive which is a strong indicator for PBC but not enough to diagnose. Liver function tests are back in normal range so whatever is going on it isn't impacting my liver anymore.

I reminded her that a reaction to a drug was the initial investigation and mentioned that I had my first Covid jab 10 days before getting abnormal liver results. She is now concerned that might be the cause and has advised no booster (if offered) until MRI results are known. I suggested getting LFT bloods before and after any future jab as it has muddied the water somewhat. She was very quick to agree that must be done along with an auto immune screen and both must be repeated afterwards.

So I am no further forward and will have another telephone consultation in 5-6 weeks. I feel fed up really. It all seems to just get more confusing.
So glad you updated us. I know how hard it can be to wait for the call thinking you will know one way or the other then that doesn’t exactly happen. More waiting and worrying, but please try to stay positive I know you have had it tough but liver function in normal range is extremely reassuring. More hugs (there free!)
So glad you updated us. I know how hard it can be to wait for the call thinking you will know one way or the other then that doesn’t exactly happen. More waiting and worrying, but please try to stay positive I know you have had it tough but liver function in normal range is extremely reassuring. More hugs (there free!)

Thank you, I think I just wanted the all clear but if there was damage to my bile ducts then I suspect liver function would be impaired and show up in tests. I have been waiting for an answer for 9 months!! Hugs appreciated. xx
Sorry to hear things haven’t been resolved @Flutterby - it must be so frustrating. At least your liver function is normal, that must be reassuring. More (((hugs)))!
I have just read this thread in its entirety - boy have you been through it! Really hope you get some definitive answers soon, not knowing is the worst!
I have just read this thread in its entirety - boy have you been through it! Really hope you get some definitive answers soon, not knowing is the worst!
Thank you so much. I spoke to my GP on Friday who has referred me to healthy minds. I know it will take ages but it's something and I do have a private counsellor whilst I am in receipt of PIP. Couldn't afford it otherwise.
Can anyone make sense of my MRCP findings?

I got a copy of a letter sent to my GP from the consultant today. Stating that the findings will be discussed at my next appointment yet detailing those findings. Not very helpful when I don't have a clue what it means. I will attach a photo.20211103_141326.jpg


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Calling @mikeyB and/or @Abi for English translation please ! but have to say, on the face of it to equally 'uninformed me' sounds like whatever it was, is now OK to me Karen.
I can but hope! "Not entirely normal" but "non specific" ....is that good?

Query PSC - I don't think I have this as my LFT bloods are normal.

I still have a strongly positive AMA result query covid vaccine triggered this? She isn't sure. Question is do I risk another?

So I have the marker for PBC but no symptoms and normal LFT results. Everyone is confused not least me!

Thanks Jenny.
Auto antibodies can be positive for a whole raft of reasons and get us medics excited, when there is no end organ damage
Just read the thread. What a scary time. Unfortunately fatty liver is common and we probably tend to assume too frequently that a deranged liver function is due to this. My first thought was cannot be fatty liver related to diabetes if LFTs up until this episode were normal and I thought it was due to statin then realised there was no mention of this in the thread
despite things not looking entirely normal the situation appears reassuring- I wonder the initial elevated ALT could be due to a virus and the AMA a red herring
Ten days after my first jab of the AZ vaccine my feet and legs were swollen, I was quite ill with various 'reactions' - sore throat, fever etc.
I was within hours of going to A&E as I could not get through anywhere on the phone when the swelling began to subside - I think that a lot of GPs will be hearing the phrase 'after my jab' for some time to come.
Auto antibodies can be positive for a whole raft of reasons and get us medics excited, when there is no end organ damage
Just read the thread. What a scary time. Unfortunately fatty liver is common and we probably tend to assume too frequently that a deranged liver function is due to this. My first thought was cannot be fatty liver related to diabetes if LFTs up until this episode were normal and I thought it was due to statin then realised there was no mention of this in the thread
despite things not looking entirely normal the situation appears reassuring- I wonder the initial elevated ALT could be due to a virus and the AMA a red herring
Hi Abi, thank you for replying. I am now in a position to say that I think you are pretty close to the reason for all this. Last Friday I spoke to my liver consultant who is happy with the MRI but not happy that the AMA is still strongly positive. I think she had anticipated some bile duct damage if this had been ticking away for some time undiscovered. She has consulted a PBC specialist and given the clear MRI and no symptoms they are continuing with a wait and see approach however she has told me NOT to have the booster vaccine as she suspects my first two triggered this autoimmune response and is concerned that we cannot be certain if further problems could result from yet another jab. The elevated levels were found by coincidence 10 days post vaccine and spiked again after the second. This clearly is a worry being type 1 and I am struggling to figure out where to go from here.

I should add that I cannot take statins as they make me terribly ill and there was no indication of a virus at the time. The only possible viral impact was the covid vaccine which is obviously not a live virus but perhaps triggered a reaction.

Thank you for acknowledging that it's been a scary time. I'm struggling to keep my head above water right now.
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Ten days after my first jab of the AZ vaccine my feet and legs were swollen, I was quite ill with various 'reactions' - sore throat, fever etc.
I was within hours of going to A&E as I could not get through anywhere on the phone when the swelling began to subside - I think that a lot of GPs will be hearing the phrase 'after my jab' for some time to come.
Sorry to hear this Drummer. Have you had any issues with subsequent jabs?
Sorry to hear this Drummer. Have you had any issues with subsequent jabs?
No - the second one, they might have injected saline for all the reaction I got - but the third one was cancelled on instruction from our GP surgery so I'll have to see what happens about that one.
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