Fatty liver

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
As part of all the diabetes diagnosis they've been sending me for various other checks, scans and tests.

One has just come back from an ultrasound to say I've got a fatty liver. Other organs seem ok.

They've booked me in for a routine appointment to explain what that means but its quite a few weeks away.

In the meantime until I speak to the doctor is there anything I should be doing, anything I should not be doing.

Most of what I've read says loose weight, healthy diet, less fat, exercise regularly, reduce or stop drinking.

I'm already doing all of that because of the diabetes diagnosis. I stopped drinking several months ago, I don't smoke. No red meat ever. I've lost 5kg since the end of July and I'm hopefully going to loose 5 more by the end of Oct.

Is it just a case of managing the diabetes well and loosing weight?

Is it a common thing for people with type 2? Or is type 2 common for people with a fatty liver.

I thought I was doing well with food, exercise and getting good values from my BG tests but now its like having another thing thrown on a growing pile. Cholesterol, diabetes and now the liver.
Losing weight seems to be the main thing, if you reduce your body fat then the fat in and around your organs will reduce.
Ta - That makes sense. I guess I'll see how the next blood test goes but in the meantime start increasing the exercise and activity slowly to loose a bit more.
I had a fatty liver a few years ago, before being diagnosed with diabetes. Having got my weight and hba1c down, liver function tests are now normal. Sounds like you are on track, and doing all the right things 🙂
Cheers. I'll stick to the current diet and meals unless I get told otherwise.

It's really strange cutting back on eating carbs I've increased protein and fat but being told I have a fatty liver I want to reduce the excess fat. At this rate I'll be eating nothing but protein.
Cheers. I'll stick to the current diet and meals unless I get told otherwise.

It's really strange cutting back on eating carbs I've increased protein and fat but being told I have a fatty liver I want to reduce the excess fat. At this rate I'll be eating nothing but protein.
Don’t forget to increase veg, eating less carbs isn’t just about eating protein and fat. Dieticians advise to aim for half your plate being fruit/veg.
You shouldn't have to worry too much about the fat you eat - that is not where the fat in the liver comes from - think of goose liver pate - produced by feeding large amounts of corn to the poor things.
The excess of carbs is stored in the liver, so eating low carb can reverse it.
I had a huge waist when eating carbs - but my GPs have never taken any notice when I protested that their 'healthy' diet, high in carbs, made me feel ill. I was almost spherical at diagnosis and once I went back to low carb I lost weight without any effort and my diabetes was gone in 6 months.
We need to eat protein and fats, they are essential, but carbs are not.
You shouldn't have to worry too much about the fat you eat - that is not where the fat in the liver comes from - think of goose liver pate - produced by feeding large amounts of corn to the poor things.
The excess of carbs is stored in the liver, so eating low carb can reverse it.
I had a huge waist when eating carbs - but my GPs have never taken any notice when I protested that their 'healthy' diet, high in carbs, made me feel ill. I was almost spherical at diagnosis and once I went back to low carb I lost weight without any effort and my diabetes was gone in 6 months.
We need to eat protein and fats, they are essential, but carbs are not.
Except your diabetes isn’t really gone if you’re still having to eat low carb to maintain your a1c. If it was gone you’d be able to eat anything.
Don’t forget to increase veg, eating less carbs isn’t just about eating protein and fat. Dieticians advise to aim for half your plate being fruit/veg.
I think I'm good with veg. Apart from breakfast every meal is always loaded with veg and I have mostly a vegetarian diet too. I probably don't eat much fruit but have started eating small amounts of frozen berries. With breakfast or after dinner instead of a pudding

The excess of carbs is stored in the liver, so eating low carb can reverse it.

It really does sound like it's all related, all the suggested changes for diabetes will also help with the liver too. It's good to know.

I think you are amazing and you are very aware of what you need to do to keep healthy. Diabetes as you know is totally systemic and in every cell, so there are many consequences, but you have had some good advise. I would just look at the specific diet and foods you should be having for your liver condition, as it differs slightly from the normal diets. Good luck and take care Fiona McPherson
I think Drummer means foie gras, I'm not entirely sure the reference is valid, unless someone is forcing corn down you with a funnel!

Have a look at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/non-alcoholic-fatty-liver-disease/

I didn't have NAFL, but I did test to see which carbs spiked me when I went low fat for a year

Carbs are all different, it was very easy to simply drop the ones that didn't like me.

With that, and the Newcastle diet I lost 5 stone

I would say don't get hooked onto managing the diabetes though.
Sometimes it becomes the only focus on here.
I found if I managed me well, and looked at everything in the broader picture, the diabetes just fell into line, along with everything else.
Carbs are all different, it was very easy to simply drop the ones that didn't like me.
i've tried a few different carb ingredients to see what i can have that doesnt cause a massive spike.
i actually tried rice for the first time since i have a meter and think the results were ok.
i had small portion of basmati rice with a tomato based veg curry. loads of veg and greens

5 before dinner, 9 after dinner (1 hour), 6.4 after dinner (2 hours)
based on those number the only thing i would do differently for that meal is maybe have less rice and compensate with a bit of salad instead - but the reading after 2 hours was good which from what i understand is what i need to keep an eye on.
If you have type 2 diabetes
-before meals: 4 to 7mmol/l
-two hours after meals: less than 8.5mmol/l
6.4 is excellent.
Basmati rice is definitely one of the better ones for me as well.
i've tried a few different carb ingredients to see what i can have that doesnt cause a massive spike.
i actually tried rice for the first time since i have a meter and think the results were ok.
i had small portion of basmati rice with a tomato based veg curry. loads of veg and greens

5 before dinner, 9 after dinner (1 hour), 6.4 after dinner (2 hours)
based on those number the only thing i would do differently for that meal is maybe have less rice and compensate with a bit of salad instead - but the reading after 2 hours was good which from what i understand is what i need to keep an eye on.
Those reading look good. The usual time to test is 2 hours post meal. You can test at 1 hour but maybe a waste of strips. You were well below the suggested max of 8.5 mmol/l 2 hours post meal.
I like butternut squash in curries, with cauliflower and chickpeas is good, I often add paneer or top with boiled egg. If you use curry pastes or your own spice mix that is less carbs than some of the prepared jars though there are some good low carb ones around.
Sounds like you are making the right changes, keep it up.
Except your diabetes isn’t really gone if you’re still having to eat low carb to maintain your a1c. If it was gone you’d be able to eat anything.
Well - the situation was that from leaving home at 18 to being diagnosed as type 2 at 65 I was told that the diet I was used to was wrong, I ought to eat wholegrain and whole wheat, even though I told the advisers that it made me feel ill.
I am not having to eat low carb, I am rejoicing at being right all along and now can tell anyone who wants me to do otherwise that old nick will be skating to work before I accept that cereal and skimmed milk for breakfast is what I ought to be eating for my own good.
For me type 2 is gone, just like the bruises I used to get falling out of trees after I bought shorter trees.
I eat lots of colourful and crunchy salad, also low carb veges, herbs and spices to delight the sense of taste, but grains or potatoes just don't seem at all enticing.
PS my waist is now about a foot smaller and I can bend down to reach the bottom shelves, or to wipe out the fridge without my lower ribs being pushed out. I used to have a rock hard liver but that went away some time ago.
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I totally agree 'I am not having to eat low carb' but that is what I choose to do because it is the foods I enjoy.
I always felt aggrieved when people said they were going on a 'diet' to lose weight and they were not having sweets, chocolates, cakes and biscuits when I never really had them anyway. And of course, low fat everything.
I like butternut squash in curries, with cauliflower and chickpeas is good, I often add paneer or top with boiled egg. If you use curry pastes or your own spice mix that is less carbs than some of the prepared jars though there are some good low carb ones around.
yesterday was - butternut squash, celery, pepper, broccoli, mushrooms and courgette. with a some TVP mince.
i do buy and use jars of sauces but its so rare its not even worth considering. spice paste jars were pretty rare too but i do have a couple of unopened jars

i have enough spices that i can usually make my own blends and mixes and i usually prefer homemade anyway. on the occasions i use a jar i usually have to add a bunch of stuff to it until i can get it to taste like what i ate growing up.
yesterday was - butternut squash, celery, pepper, broccoli, mushrooms and courgette. with a some TVP mince.
i do buy and use jars of sauces but its so rare its not even worth considering. spice paste jars were pretty rare too but i do have a couple of unopened jars

i have enough spices that i can usually make my own blends and mixes and i usually prefer homemade anyway. on the occasions i use a jar i usually have to add a bunch of stuff to it until i can get it to taste like what i ate growing up.
Good on you to get the mix right for the taste you like with individual spices. I never seem to get it quite right but I also end up adding extras to jars or mixes.
My son in law who is from Pakistan makes some marvellous curries from all the spices even though he had never done any cooking before he came to the UK. To start with they were a bit hot and needed plenty of yoghurt to go with it.
Good on you to get the mix right for the taste you like with individual spices. I never seem to get it quite right but I also end up adding extras to jars or mixes.
My son in law who is from Pakistan makes some marvellous curries from all the spices even though he had never done any cooking before he came to the UK. To start with they were a bit hot and needed plenty of yoghurt to go with it.
just stand over his shoulder and watch everything he does. most of what i know in the kitchen is from growing up watching my mum and sister cook and then watching a few different chefs who did a lot of indian wedding catering when i worked in kitchens and takeaways.
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