Fasting - any tips


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

Although I am now pre-diabetic after a good blood test result I want to ensure I become non-diabetic and get into the 30sMmol/mol.
I have started drinking wine again and I am walking much less because of the rain or if I am gardening. I havent lost any weight of late because of this and I need to ensure that I dont go back to my old ways! I can cut out the wine weekdays!
I was thinking of trying a 36 hour fast but then I thought that may be a step too far. I am sure I can do it but is it safe?
Then I thought I could miss breakfast say 3 mornings a week and just eat between 12 and 6 on those days.

If anyone has some advice on this I would appreciate it.
I also moved to wine instead of beer in my case.
I try to follow a daily 16:8 fast:eat fasting regime usually longer due to work getting in the way, finish eating at 8pm and eat no calories at all for 16hrs. I kinda like it and supports weight control if you can manage hunger pangs if you’re retired, for me being busy at work it’s easier.
The longer fast - I tried once, I’m not sure I’d recommended unless you’re healthy also probably not needed.
Also decent regular exercise that you enjoy to stay committed is important.
I also moved to wine instead of beer in my case.
I try to follow a daily 16:8 fast:eat fasting regime usually longer due to work getting in the way, finish eating at 8pm and eat no calories at all for 16hrs. I kinda like it and supports weight control if you can manage hunger pangs if you’re retired, for me being busy at work it’s easier.
The longer fast - I tried once, I’m not sure I’d recommended unless you’re healthy also probably not needed.
Also decent regular exercise that you enjoy to stay committed is important.
I was hoping someone would advise against longer fasts!
I still work and I manage to avoid the 2kg of wine gums we have for staff! My difficulty is fitting my life around intermittent fasting - I like bacon and egg for breakfast but that isnt possible at work. I might just skip breakfast but have berries and yoghurt as a dessert at tea time instead and stick to a 6 hour eating window. I can have bacon and egg for dinner with beans and mushrooms a couple of times.
My next goal is to lose another 12 Lbs and maintain that weight while having a diet I am totally happy with. So I think the wine is weekends only from now and I will skip breakfast next week and see how I manage with that. The walk after tea is a must but I only need maybe 3 miles. For a snack I like a couple of rich tea biscuits but I may take a look at sugar free biscuits as long as they dont taste like sand!
I was never a breakfast person so that’s why I find it easy to do the 16:8, although bad habits crept in and I eaten past 8 which makes it harder to control my BG during the night so I’ve cut that back now. It’s the black coffee morning and night that is a challenge for me.
I also fail to often to keep wine for Friday night so gotta get back to that, especially hard with warm sunny evenings so back to beck blue 0% larger. It’s carby tho.
It’s always a compromise so it’s finding things that you can stick to and tolerate well which I find is the key.
Good luck with the weight loss
I was hoping someone would advise against longer fasts!
I still work and I manage to avoid the 2kg of wine gums we have for staff! My difficulty is fitting my life around intermittent fasting - I like bacon and egg for breakfast but that isnt possible at work. I might just skip breakfast but have berries and yoghurt as a dessert at tea time instead and stick to a 6 hour eating window. I can have bacon and egg for dinner with beans and mushrooms a couple of times.
My next goal is to lose another 12 Lbs and maintain that weight while having a diet I am totally happy with. So I think the wine is weekends only from now and I will skip breakfast next week and see how I manage with that. The walk after tea is a must but I only need maybe 3 miles. For a snack I like a couple of rich tea biscuits but I may take a look at sugar free biscuits as long as they dont taste like sand!
Sugar free biscuits are not low carb and usually contain sweeteners. Try a Kind or Nature Valley protein nut bar (or half of one) about 10g carb per bar, same carbs as 2 rich tea but bigger.