Farxiga Weight Loss


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was prescribed Farxiga 10mg to take with my metformin. I know it can cause weight loss of up to 7lbs over 20 plus weeks. I have lost four pounds over six weeks. Having said that, at the same time I have cut out chocolate, crisps and sugar in my tea. Has anyone else got experience of this drug and have they lost weight in the first few weeks?
Welcome to the forum. It sounds as if you haven't previously made dietary changes which are needed even if you have been prescribed metformin. It is not just things like the choc, crisps and sugar you need to be reducing to manage blood glucose but all carbohydrates like potatoes, rice, pasta, cakes, biscuits, sugary drinks, breakfast cereals, pastry and bread as they are all high carb foods.
The sort of weight loss that people get is very individual but some when they start a new low carb or low calorie regime will lose weight quite quickly even without meds.
Have you been given any dietary advice?
Welcome to the forum. It sounds as if you haven't previously made dietary changes which are needed even if you have been prescribed metformin. It is not just things like the choc, crisps and sugar you need to be reducing to manage blood glucose but all carbohydrates like potatoes, rice, pasta, cakes, biscuits, sugary drinks, breakfast cereals, pastry and bread as they are all high carb foods.
The sort of weight loss that people get is very individual but some when they start a new low carb or low calorie regime will lose weight quite quickly even without meds.
Have you been given any dietary advice?
Not really.
I appreciate dietary advice, but is there anyone taking Farxiga and metformin and what weight loss did they have? Thanks
I don’t seem to be making myself clear. I am not asking about diet, or how to lose weight. I’m asking what other people’s experience has been with Farxiga and initial weight loss (i.e the effect of the drug on their weight). Any Farxiga users out there?
I don’t seem to be making myself clear. I am not asking about diet, or how to lose weight. I’m asking what other people’s experience has been with Farxiga and initial weight loss (i.e the effect of the drug on their weight). Any Farxiga users out there?
You may find some answers in this thread. https://forum.diabetes.org.uk/boards/search/157275/?q=Farxiga&o=date
Sometimes medications have a different name as it is a brand so people may not be recognising the name.
I was prescribed Farxiga 10mg to take with my metformin. I know it can cause weight loss of up to 7lbs over 20 plus weeks. I have lost four pounds over six weeks. Having said that, at the same time I have cut out chocolate, crisps and sugar in my tea. Has anyone else got experience of this drug and have they lost weight in the first few weeks?
Hey ….
I’m only on the forxiga and my weight loss is really good 3-4 lbs a week approximately…. I’m watching calories, eat fewer carbs and cakes and sweeties ….
Glad Forgixa and the changed meny is working so well for you so far @musical soul

Unfortunately @Killieboy hasn’t returned to the forum since last November, so may not see your encouraging reply.
Hey ….
I’m only on the forxiga and my weight loss is really good 3-4 lbs a week approximately…. I’m watching calories, eat fewer carbs and cakes and sweeties ….
That's great @musical soul. Have you noticed a change to your blood sugars too?
I don’t seem to be making myself clear. I am not asking about diet, or how to lose weight. I’m asking what other people’s experience has been with Farxiga and initial weight loss (i.e the effect of the drug on their weight). Any Farxiga users out there?
Hello Killieboy, I hear your question and wish someone would respond to your question because I'm looking for the same anecdotal information. As for me, I've been taking ozempic for a year for weight loss and it's been quite successful. I hit a plateau and my cardiologist prescribed 5mg Farxiga per day to add to the ozempic. I haven't started the farxiga because I'm researching the drug which brought me to this blog and your posts. So, are you taking farxiga for weight loss and how is it going for you?
Hello Killieboy, I hear your question and wish someone would respond to your question because I'm looking for the same anecdotal information. As for me, I've been taking ozempic for a year for weight loss and it's been quite successful. I hit a plateau and my cardiologist prescribed 5mg Farxiga per day to add to the ozempic. I haven't started the farxiga because I'm researching the drug which brought me to this blog and your posts. So, are you taking farxiga for weight loss and how is it going for you?
This is an old post you’ve responded to and the person hasn’t used the forum in 2 years. Searching for forxiga or more likely dapagliflozin should get you some experiences
So, are you taking farxiga for weight loss and how is it going for you?
I'm on 10mg of Dapagliflozin (AKA Farxiga) daily in combination with Metformin. I was already on a weight loss diet when I started it and was losing around 1Kg per week at that time. I started Dapagliflozin just before Christmas and when I went back on my diet after Christmas I quickly lost the weight I put on during that time, quicker than my diet alone would account for. I continue to lose weight at a rate that is a little more than my rate before Christmas despite eating the same foods, and despite doing a similar amount of exercise per week which mainly involves walking my less-bulky self around. As a result I'm fairly certain that the medication is having a significant effect re. weight loss.
Thank you for sharing your experience with dapaglifloxin. I appreciate the amount of detail you included. While you're taking it for diabetes, I was prescribed it for a boost in weight loss. I'd like to find out how it works for both conditions. Have you had side effects taking it?
Hi @Marika. I see you are posting from the USA. No problem, and I only point it out because medical protocols may be different to those here in the UK where this forum is based and this might need to be taken into account when comparing experiences.

I take forxiga (dapagliflozin) 10mg/day to help control blood glucose levels. It has resulted in a small, statistically significant, decrease in my blood glucose levels as described here:

I weigh my self regularly and there has been no notable change in weight since I started taking it.

I have had no side effects.

That is one persons experience, hope it helps.