Falling asleep for no known reason?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am wondering if anyone can advise me or give an opinion on this.
I am not sure if this is diabetic related, and happens now and then to me for no logical reason, so I have no idea if it is related to my type 2. This afternoon I sat down to watch the news and felt my eyes starting to close so fell asleep, this was at 1.30 ish next I woke at 2.45pm only to feel no energy, put my feet up, low and behold woke at 4.30pm, since which I have been my nirmal self.
Anyone relate to this or can give me a reason for it?
What did you have for lunch and did you test your levels before lunch? Certainly high BG levels can cause you to drop off like that. I would be inclined to test if/when it happens again. That should tell you if it is diabetes related.
I had two poached eggs for breakfast (nothing unusual in that) 5 strawberries this was at 10.30am, then for Lunch around 1240, I had a small bowl of home made veg soup the basis of which was cauliflour, carrots, leaks, shallots plus ham stock cubes. Thereafter was when I sat diwn to watch the news. I have only eaten two crispnreads at 5pm becase I didn’t feel hungry so nothing since. I am not on meds that cause very low bg. After I woke for the second time at 4.30ish I took my bloods and was astounded it was 12.0 a first for me as I am on low carb all the time. I was astounded since I ate nothing after 1.30 and then falling asleep. It is a mystery to me to have that reading.
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No - falling asleep is a symptom of too HIGH blood glucose not too low. Hence - you ought to test your own BG before and after lunch is what's been suggested. I just assumed you'd have automatically done that to either rule that question out or find it to be the reason, but it appears you haven't - hence - you really ought to! (I have, and have ruled it out)
Oh thank you so much, you know by this time I should know better but I haven’t tested before eating in such a long time but I shall do so from now on. I wonder if it was the soup. One of the things I have noticed is that I cannot go above 50/60 carbs daily.
Hello, BGs could be off? However, how well are you actually sleeping at night? How old is the mattress?
As I recently found out, a decent suitable mattress ain’t cheap. In fairness, the news does also make me yawn.
Can’t find the source. But I also read a long while back that a majority of insurance accident claims are timed not long after lunch? It was reasoned. People tend to loose concentration after the meal.

Might be worthwhile investigating your quality of night’s sleep?
sleep is good at night and only have to get up for the loo once very occasionally twice. Just took my bloods and they are down to 7 mmol.
Agree as a type two I would definitively keep close eye on your blood sugars, don’t forget the heat messes with our hydration and so affects our control, my sugars shot up in heat yesterday to point had to ring 111 even though had empty tummy and no weird diet changes that could have accounted for it, keep your water up so to reduce risk of dehydration.
Yes I do feel uncomfortable in heat, but I always have. I drink on average 2 to 3 litres of water butnI have done so long before my diagnoss been doing this for many years
Yes I do feel uncomfortable in heat, but I always have. I drink on average 2 to 3 litres of water butnI have done so long before my diagnoss been doing this for many years
If that’s your normal intake and the heat has gone up then you would most likely need to still drink more than normal, I usually drink same as you but went through almost five litres of water yesterday and sugars didn’t start to drop until bed time.
if you are in England the temps have been higher. I am in the south if Scotland where although warm not as warm as England once it reaches 26deg I always feel ill. Will see what today brings. Thanks to everyone for your input.
Test your bg. If it’s high when you feel tired then that’s the cause. If it’s not high then maybe you’re just tired? If it happens regularly when not high see a doctor.
I also have aortic stenosis so that may be another reason. I had my bloods taken on Thursday will get my A1c results next Thursday. To be honest both from a dietry and carb intake view my bloods shoukd never be high unkess nkniwn to me there is something else going on. I know that I have done nothing to cause high BG. I am on 2000mg Metformin and once weekly 4.5mg Trulicity
To be honest both from a dietry and carb intake view my bloods shoukd never be high
Eating low carb doesn’t mean your bloods are never high. They can still be very high.
Eating low carb doesn’t mean your bloods are never high. They can still be very high.
Thanks I work very hard at it but I honestly didn’t know that. I see people eating what they like and privately I’m thinking “how foolish”. I am terrified of getting diabetic related illness, so now worried that something else may be causing any high BGs I get?
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Thanks I work very hard at it but I honestly didn’t kniw that. I see peopke eating what they lije and privately I’m thinking “how foolish”. I am terrified of getting diabetic related illness
So long as their medication or their exercise or pancreatic function balances out what they are eating then it’s okay to eat what they like, it’s not our place to judge others.
I agree to an extent but there are thise who carry on as if they did not have diabetes
Thanks I work very hard at it but I honestly didn’t know that. I see people eating what they like and privately I’m thinking “how foolish”. I am terrified of getting diabetic related illness, so now worried that something else may be causing any high BGs I get?
Stress, infection, hydration, the weather, other medical conditions and genetics all have an impact on our blood sugar levels.

Not everyone will get complications, others of us get every common one and more. I don’t judge as you don’t know circumstances, my type 2 is genetic I am third generation and the ladies of us have all lost babies and my symptoms on set with an eating disorder as a child, there’s stats coming through on all types of diabetes and eating disorders now and you would be surprised why someone suffers with eating distress or disorders, last thing we need to to penalise each other as strength in numbers to reach understanding towards a cure which is why I volunteer for research with DUk
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