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Thanks Kaylz. Very good that you've got a noticeable improvement so quickly, and hope I can keep up.

One interesting aspect of the conversation with consultant is that he kind of dismissed laser work. I mentioned it and he brushed the idea off but not sure whether that was 'just my case' or 'my eye problem not suitable' or 'he doesn't like lasers' or 'they're on their way out'.
Laser work was never mentioned to me either all went fine with my right eye today still a bit blurry with the drops etc though haha x
Good stuff Kaylz. Hope it continues to go well.

I've now had my appointment through for the first session - 11th Jan. The other appointments will then follow every 28 days. According to the person I spoke to they try to make it every 28 days - they can make the time gap a little bit longer but no option of cutting it down below 28. She also said that they had a problem with people cancelling half way through. I might have misunderstood but that seems to me to be absolutely crazy.
Good stuff Kaylz. Hope it continues to go well.

I've now had my appointment through for the first session - 11th Jan. The other appointments will then follow every 28 days. According to the person I spoke to they try to make it every 28 days - they can make the time gap a little bit longer but no option of cutting it down below 28. She also said that they had a problem with people cancelling half way through. I might have misunderstood but that seems to me to be absolutely crazy.
Hope it all goes smoothly for you Rob! 🙂 I can't imagine why you would stop halfway through either - for me the most difficult part of something like this would be fear of the unknown, and you would already have experienced it so subsequent appointments should be much easier to deal with.
Good news Rob hope all goes well for you too remember to keep us all updated 🙂 x
Good stuff Kaylz. Hope it continues to go well.

I've now had my appointment through for the first session - 11th Jan. The other appointments will then follow every 28 days. According to the person I spoke to they try to make it every 28 days - they can make the time gap a little bit longer but no option of cutting it down below 28. She also said that they had a problem with people cancelling half way through. I might have misunderstood but that seems to me to be absolutely crazy.
Actually Rob I've just noticed your appointment day is the same as my next one so we can check in on here together haha x
....and today was the day. Went well again for you Kaylz?

All smooth for me. In at 9am and quickly seen by a nurse to fill in paperwork re meds being taken and check sugar level and blood pressure.

The actual procedure I just lay back while they poured anaesthetic and cleansing quickly and efficiently into my eye. Very quick acting - the nurse in charge said that if they just dropped the cleansing iodine in with no anaesthetic then they'd be scraping me off the ceiling - but with the anaesthetic I felt nothing other than the temperature change from the liquid.

A gauze over the face (to keep eyebrows out of the way I think she said), then a clamp type thing to ensure the eye stayed open, and then a bit of pressure that she then told me had been the injection. A cup of coffee afterwards to check I didn't fall over, some eye drops for the next three days, and then sent home. Told not to scratch the eye as the anaesthetic would disguise how rough I was being. A couple of hours with a bit of an ache and an itch, but not really painful.

Overall not a pleasant experience but certainly not terrible. I'd say on the same scale as getting a filling done at the dentist. Certainly not a tough choice when compared against long term damage to sight. I'd thoroughly recommend avoiding the scheme if you can, but not to worry too much if you can't.
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Ah good to hear from you Rob and glad everything went well for you, and yes went great for me again too, I arrived far too early though but was seen by a nurse to do drops 2 minutes after I arrived then taken almost instantly by the doctor so was out of the hospital before my appointment was meant to have been by 20 minutes as I wasn't admitted to the day case this time I didn't get a cup of coffee, could have done with it yesterday too was freezing and snowing x
Excellent news - both of you!

Hope they both work as well as hoped.
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