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Ah, good news Vanessa, and good also that you will be monitored closely - I would imagine there was a time when we weren't looked after as well as we are nowadays.
Great news vanessa, i'm glad they are keeping an eye on you 🙂

eek, no punn intended!
Oooh, good luck to anybody with eye problems - I find it quite scary, as in the 24 days since I was diagnosed my vision has deteriorated rapidly, and is really the only ill effects I've suffered (........................so far.)

It's my number one priority to discuss with the DSN, when I eventually get my first appointment, early September.

Oooh, good luck to anybody with eye problems - I find it quite scary, as in the 24 days since I was diagnosed my vision has deteriorated rapidly, and is really the only ill effects I've suffered (........................so far.)

It's my number one priority to discuss with the DSN, when I eventually get my first appointment, early September.


Hi Helen, it's quite normal for your vision to go soon after diagnosis - it's all to do with the high sugar levels. It will get better soon, as your levels start to come down - I could hardly read for about 5 weeks after diagnosis, and had to buy a magnifying glass!
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Thanks all for the support and kind comments

HelenP - as Northerner says what you are experiencing is not unusual. One piece of advice I was given was not to have your glasses changed or to get your first pair for a good 3 months post your diagnosis. I have a vague recollection of someone posting on here that they spent quite a lot of money on new specs that were useless once the eyes had settled down.
Thanks all for the support and kind comments

HelenP - as Northerner says what you are experiencing is not unusual. One piece of advice I was given was not to have your glasses changed or to get your first pair for a good 3 months post your diagnosis. I have a vague recollection of someone posting on here that they spent quite a lot of money on new specs that were useless once the eyes had settled down.

Unfortunately, I DID go to the opticians, as I'd got to the point where I couldn't see much at all, and although I was aware that my eyesight was unstable, I couldn't carry on with such poor vision and had to do something about it there and then. I was using +300 generic reading glasses and magnifying glass to read, but that was no use for my general vision, which was really blurry and hazy. I knew that my new prescription would be very temporary, but was willing to pay that price to be able to see clearly again.

Unfortunately, in the week between my eye test and picking up my new specs, my sight had deteriorated quite a bit and the new glasses were useless! However, the manager at Specsavers was very kind, and retested my eyes there and then, and made up glasses with the new prescription (distance AND reading) free of charge. WHAT a difference! It's brilliant being able to see properly again, and I'll never take my eyesight for granted again!! Not sure how long it'll last, but for the time being it's fantastic!! Now I'm just waiting for them to settle before investing in some varifocals!

Thanks for the advice N and V.

Hi Vanessa,

For what it's worth, I had laser surgery on both eyes last winter...it wasn't nearly as bad as I'd convinced myself it would be (I have a great imagination lol!! 😱).

Whilst it wasn't comfortable, and it took a few days to settle down (a bit longer using computers - I've learnt how to set big fonts on everything now!!), it wasn't painful as such. It's a bit like having a really really intense bright light flashed in your eye & not being able to blink. What I'm trying to say (not very well, sorry!) is please don't get stressed about it - I'm sure it will go really well! For peace of mind, get the eye casualty clinics tel no, then if you are worried after you go home you can call & get some reassurance (learnt that one the hard way, doh!) Your specialist should also give you a leaflet too.

All the best,

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