eye floaters

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
May not be linked but anyone troubled by these?
Any advice to get rid would be useful.
Don't think you can get rid of them, you just learn to ignore them.... at least that is what I am working on..... and succeed most of the time.
Don't think you can get rid of them, you just learn to ignore them.... at least that is what I am working on..... and succeed most of the time.
They are hard to ignore
May not be linked but anyone troubled by these?
Any advice to get rid would be useful.
Have you had the floaters checked out, just to be sure they are indeed benign, but irritating floaters?
I had that happen a few years ago and went to the optician in a panic not knowing what it was. He said everything was fine and basically they settle down and the brain just learns to ignore them. I occasionally notice the odd things floating around.
The danger is it can detach the retina so worth getting checked out by the optician.
Have you had the floaters checked out, just to be sure they are indeed benign, but irritating floaters?
Yes , have to return in a month but they think all is okay.
I had that happen a few years ago and went to the optician in a panic not knowing what it was. He said everything was fine and basically they settle down and the brain just learns to ignore them. I occasionally notice the odd things floating around.
The danger is it can detach the retina so worth getting checked out by the optician.
yes , i checked it out . Apparently have in both eyes but only one is disturbing me.
I have them alot. If I go out in the sun , my whole vision in both eyes have floaters. I use sunglasses and it helps . I've had more checked and optician said I have healthy eyes.
Morning Nayshiftin,
As long as you have had them checked out as they can be an early sign of retinal detachment which does need urgent attention.
Given link with diabetes and retinopathy then always worth getting any eye concerns checked out but as you have done so sounds fine as they also can come as part of aging.
If you've had them checked out and nothing sinister is happening, then I'm afraid you are stuck with them.

Floaters can appear as a result of retinal detachment or (more commonly) vitreous detachment. Vitreous detachment is often accompanied by flashing and 'popping' lights. They can however just appear without any condition at all and just remain as eye debris for the rest of your days. You will get used to your little friends - I got mine very early in life 😉

I did recently ask the surgeon doing my cataract if he could suck out my floaters at the same time. He just looked at me and rolled his eyes :rofl:
I get called to my hospital's Diabetic Eye Centre every year for examination and retinal camera photographs. (My next session is on 5th July, since you ask!)
In combination with your optician's (probably) annual eye checks, you should aim to be assured that these floaters are harmless, and ignorable. Much like freckles on your arms are usually harmless and ignorable!
If you've had them checked out and nothing sinister is happening, then I'm afraid you are stuck with them.

Floaters can appear as a result of retinal detachment or (more commonly) vitreous detachment. Vitreous detachment is often accompanied by flashing and 'popping' lights. They can however just appear without any condition at all and just remain as eye debris for the rest of your days. You will get used to your little friends - I got mine very early in life 😉

I did recently ask the surgeon doing my cataract if he could suck out my floaters at the same time. He just looked at me and rolled his eyes :rofl:
yes , not helpful but if only eh!
I will try sunglasses but told not always helpful. I don't think they will be because in a dull house i get them in any light.
Have you tried Bromelein ? Just suggested but lots can be suggested .
I don”t think its anything bad but am devastated that Ill have these as they are really disturbing me.
yes , not helpful but if only eh!
I will try sunglasses but told not always helpful. I don't think they will be because in a dull house i get them in any light.
Have you tried Bromelein ? Just suggested but lots can be suggested .
I don”t think its anything bad but am devastated that Ill have these as they are really disturbing me.
It certainly freaked me out when it happened as it seemed as if I had spiders descending over my face, The optician reassured me and said he had had them for years. Either they have gone or my brain ignores them.
I have them , mine are caused by vitreous detachment.
It certainly freaked me out when it happened as it seemed as if I had spiders descending over my face, The optician reassured me and said he had had them for years. Either they have gone or my brain ignores them.
yes i have on both eyes but the right is really making me think someones there . I keep looking but it just floaters . My left side my brain ignores but this is not good . I am exhausted with it hope i soon settle . The reassurance has made it worse that i have just to live with this .
I have them (and always have had), I'd not noticed them for years until I read the thread title..... they do say the internet is bad for you don't they! 🙂
I guess but I am not on here much , my hubby works with computers and has no signs of them. I on the other hand struggle with them.
Sorry tongue in cheek comment - I meant that reading the thread specifically (on the internet) was bad for me as I now notice them :D
Sorry tongue in cheek comment - I meant that reading the thread specifically (on the internet) was bad for me as I now notice them :D
My other half has tinnitus which he can largely ignore but if anybody mentions it he becomes acutely aware of it.
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