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Eye check every 2 years?

I am still on yearly screening. Don't know if that is still the local policy or if it is because I had a background retinopathy result about 5 years ago, although I have had the all clear ever since. Just waiting for my result from last Saturday so hope I haven't jinxed myself in saying that about the all clears!

I would be happy to go to go to 2 years instead of annual. I put a lot of effort into managing my diabetes and particularly glucose variability so I believe the risk is pretty low and if they pick up on Background Retinopathy again you automatically go back to annual appointments anyway. I see 2 yearly appointments as saving my time as well as their resources and perhaps enabling people who have serious problems with retinopathy to be screened more promptly as a result of freeing up appointment times.
The fact that my recent appointment was on a Saturday lunchtime suggests that they are struggling to deal with a backlog and there are more and more people being diagnosed as diabetic, so I imagine the workload is ever increasing.
When I recently queried the 2 year rule my optician explained that the only exception is if you have an underlying eye health concern. My wife’s mother suffered with glaucoma so that apparently is reason enough for my wife to still receive yearly checks.
When I recently queried the 2 year rule my optician explained that the only exception is if you have an underlying eye health concern. My wife’s mother suffered with glaucoma so that apparently is reason enough for my wife to still receive yearly checks.
But this relates to sight tests at the opticians not retinal screening which has nothing to do with Glaucoma.
I got one of those putting me on a 2 year cycle. I thought well here I am getting older and when I might think I need the care and the care starts to diminish. From what's been said here it's obviously not personal just part of the money saving exercise.
Tfat is exactly what the nurse at the surgery said to me. Sigh