Exercise footcare


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi there
I'm new to diabetes was diagnosed about 3 months ago
I'm trying to get more active, mainly walking but am a.buy nervous about getting blisters ect
Can anyone give any advice on how to look after my feet when stepping up my activity and if sores or blisters from walking count as something to report to go ?
Welcome @callum13112009 🙂 The best advice is to buy well-fitting shoes or trainers and to check your feet. I’ve had blisters occasionally and not needed medical help, but they were small and I took care to protect them. If in any doubt, get medical input if you have any kind of blister or foot injury.

Here’s some general advice:

When I started walking again after a triple break in my ankle, I was very chary of walking. I started small, and very gradually increased the lengths of my walks. Just do what feels comfortable to start with (in comfy trainers as @Inka suggests) and when you feel confident that you aren't blistering, increase the steps. Best of luck.