Excercise and high blood sugar

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Kate Males

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi, I was wondering if anyone can offer advice. I am type 1 and overweight. I've started exercising and dieting to shed some pounds and help overall control. The diet side is fine and blood sugar is steady throughout the day but when I exercise my blood sugar is soaring 2 hours later. Can anyone tell me why and how do I combat this safely?
Hi Kate, welcome to the forum 🙂 Well done on committing to improving your health and fitness! What insulin regime are you on? What are your levewls increasing to? Exercise can be tricky, especially when it is something more than you have been used to, so it might take a little while and some experimenting to try and find out what works well for you. It can be quite an individual thing, as is often the case with diabetes - some people drop like a stone the moment they step on a treadmill, whereaas others (like you and me!) find that levels are steady, or even rise after. I would say one of the main things to look out for is the timing of the exercise in relation to your insulin doses. I have found that, for me, I need to eat/inject around 1.5-2.5 hours prior to exercise. This allows both the food to digest and the insulin to get working properly. If you don't have enough insulin circulating, your levels will rise as you can't process the glucose properly. After a run my levels might still be increasing, but then things will fall back and I will usually need to reduce my insulin doses later as the exercise makes me more insulin-sensitive.

If you get the timing right and the post-exercise rise is still unacceptable then what may be happening is that, having depleted the glycogen stored in your muscles, your liver may be releasing extra glucose from its stores to replenish them - if this is the case then a small amount of sugar/glucose should stop this (a paradox, you'd expect levels to rise anyway with the food, and they might but not as much). I usually have something like a Belvita biscuit after a run. Try different strategies, test often and you will gradually build up experience of what works best for you 🙂 Something else to consider is that different types of exercise might affect you in different ways - for me, running is fine, but gardening requires constant top-ups of jelly babies! 😱
Thank you for your reply. Because I'm just starting out I'm walking to and from work during the week (about 1/4 mile each way and then a dvd at weekend (Not reached weekend yet so not sure how that will go) This morning I tested my blood at 8.30 before I set off and it was 8.8 then walked to work. at 10.15 when I tested again it was 18.9! Had breakfast at 8 and gave usual insulin which usually keeps levels steady so was surprised when soared. this has pretty much been the case since starting walking on Monday. normal levels before then well in the teens by 10am. I'm thinking it could be to with glucose in muscle / liver / fat etc as it has been a long time since I did any exercise of any form. I will try checking levels a little while after getting to and from work instead of waiting the 2 hours after eating and hopefully i'll be able to combat it before it soars.
Im the opposite, i find that my sugar levels fall when I do any walking over about 20 minutes.
A part of me wishes that was the case for me Stitch as I'd expect that to happen. 🙂
The real test for me will be on the 31st of this month as I am taking part in a 10km run (well i'll be jogging/walking it) and it will be the first one that I have done since being on the medication for lowering my sugar levels. I am nervous but this forum has given me some great help and advice so I'm hoping not to have any issues on the day.
I wish you all the luck in the world Stitch. I'm a long way off a 10K lol. I hope your blood sugars are ok throughout and its goods to know this site has helped you and I look forward to being a part of it.
I wish you all the luck in the world Stitch. I'm a long way off a 10K lol. I hope your blood sugars are ok throughout and its goods to know this site has helped you and I look forward to being a part of it.

This is a great site Kate. It has certainly helped me. And thank you.
Have a look at www.runsweet.com Particularly page which explains different effects of mild / moderate / energetic and aerobic / anaerobic exercise.
The link copepod gave is a great one.

I also struggle with exercise and find sometimes I go high sometimes low.

After some experimentation, I've found if I eat before the exercise and bolus for it, I don't go high or low.

This may or may not work for you. And it doesn't always work for me. But it's a bit if trial and error.

Just a thought, could you be going low while you're actually exercising, and the liver kicks out sugar to treat it, so two hours later you go high as a rebound? Have you checked while exercising to see where your sugars go to?

Isn't diabetes fun?
Just so we know - what was your BG before breakfast, and what do you actually have for breakfast? I wonder if it's a combination of the two that caused it to rise? (rise so violently after the exercise I mean, assuming you had reasonably 'normal' BG when you got up)
Thank you copepod I will check out the link. Amberzak I don't think I would be going low during exercise as I have quite extreme hypo symptoms which I'm thankful for as I've never been caught out *touch wood* in the 25 loooooonnnnng years of being diabetic lol. Trophywench, my bg was 8.8 before breakfast (I get up and first thing I do is have a glass of water test blood then have breakfast) I had my usual 2 Weetabix with semi skimmed milk - no sugar 🙂
Apparently cardio exercise can increase blood sugars (according to my old DSN) but I'm not sure if this is completely true. Though I did go to boxercise once and my BG was 17 an hour afterwards! However, if I go for a walk my BG tends to come down. It's all very strange!
Thanks Lauren. It is very strange but I'm glad I'm not the only one. Hopefully they'll settle down as I start losing weight. Ended up with really painful legs on walk home, not sure if that's diabetes related as well tho. Kind of like shin splints but at sides of lower leg not the front.
Err, was this pain in your calf muscles? - if so all it probably is, is the blood vessels in those muscles have become so disused, they are pretty useless, therefore oxygenated blood isn't getting to those muscles. As you continue to do this walk, the pain should subdue, not start as soon as it does now, until eventually it disappears because your blood vessels have also rejuvenated themselves - the body actually creates new ones if the ones there already aren't worth saving. This does HURT however.

Keep an eye on it - tomorrow, note exactly where you are when the pain starts and do the same every morning - if the distance to that point does not get longer after a couple of weeks - go and get it checked out at the docs - cos it can also be a symptom of peripheral artery disease for which the help available first off is 'walking 'purposefully' for half an hour every day' - so you are doing the right thing anyway!
Thanks Jenny. Will keep an eye on it - yes it is both calfs, outside leg.

By the way - it's not possible to 'walk through' the PAD pain - you are advised to continue to walk for a while after it becomes 'substantial' then stop and rest - shortly after which the pain increases - excruciating, my toes, if not my whole feet, go numb so I can't continue anyway because my limbs can't support my weight - then subsides and so I have to recommence. By this point it is actually quite different from ordinary muscular pain.

(I shall be asking more questions about it a week on Friday - a definition of substantial for starters! - the pain often draws involuntary tears, and I have no idea whether it's sposed to or what.)
Thank you. I did try to walk today but had to ring for someone to get me half way which is annoying as I only work a 15 min moderate paced walk away from my house. Going to try dvd tomorrow morning instead of walking and see if I still get pain.
I had this issue when I used to go to zumba classes. I would eat lunch at work then after work go to the class. It was happening to me because I had no active insulin on board or so I am guessing my body was accessing glycogen stores but with no active insulin this could not be converted into energy which lead to a hyper. In this case though as you are walking to work after breakfast it can't really be the same thing as you have eaten breakfast and would also have active insulin on board..... It's very complex isn't it? Keep going though, you're doing great! 🙂
Thank you cakiejewell. Just as I thought I was getting to grips with my diabetes this crops up haha. always learning!
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