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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've just had a surprise call from my DN who congratulated me on my December Hba1c result of 50 ( diagnosed back on October at over 90,) then proceeded to tell me about this wonder drug that would help me to lower my blood glucose, protect my heart and kidneys called empagliflozin that she would like me to look into and perhaps begin taking after my next full set of blood tests which has been set for the 15th of March.
So obviously I did the 'google' and actually it sounds like alot of people have many problems on it.
I have the month to see if I can continue to make strides to getting my Bg under control but looking at this year's fbg figures it does look like I am currently stalling, despite having lost a stone this year, so far the BG does not seem to be dropping hand in hand as it was with the weight loss from October through to Xmas.
I just feel a bit (lot!) Deflated!
I've just had a surprise call from my DN who congratulated me on my December Hba1c result of 50 ( diagnosed back on October at over 90,) then proceeded to tell me about this wonder drug that would help me to lower my blood glucose, protect my heart and kidneys called empagliflozin that she would like me to look into and perhaps begin taking after my next full set of blood tests which has been set for the 15th of March.
So obviously I did the 'google' and actually it sounds like alot of people have many problems on it.
I have the month to see if I can continue to make strides to getting my Bg under control but looking at this year's fbg figures it does look like I am currently stalling, despite having lost a stone this year, so far the BG does not seem to be dropping hand in hand as it was with the weight loss from October through to Xmas.
I just feel a bit (lot!) Deflated!

Hi there - One thing to remember is that people having issues with a medication or so on will often tell as many people about it as they can. I bet if you Googled Metformin, just as an example, you might find the same.

I have to say I'd be miffed about any course of treatment being considered ahead of a brand new set of blood test results, unless I had specifically asked about trying something else. I mean; for all your nurse knows your results could be stellar and not warrant any meds at all!

Personally, I'd urge you to wait until your results are in, and you know what your position is.

Just because your fasting bloods have stalled, unless you are using a Libre or another form of continuous monitor you can't really tell what's happening between tests.

Whilst there are people who have issues with the Flozin meds, equally, there are those who do very well on them, including with weight loss, if that's still part of your agenda..
Thank you for your thoughts there @AndBreathe. I've had a 3 month breather after 3 failed attempts at taking Metformin in its various guises. I think I'm just slightly disappointed after the difference I have made that still the professionals would rather I be medicated rather than, as you say, wait and see what the next set of results say.
Thank you for your thoughts there @AndBreathe. I've had a 3 month breather after 3 failed attempts at taking Metformin in its various guises. I think I'm just slightly disappointed after the difference I have made that still the professionals would rather I be medicated rather than, as you say, wait and see what the next set of results say.

You reduced your numbers by almost half, without meds (don't know how long you tried with the Metformin), and that should be applauded.

This is a long game, and things will vary from time to time. It's not possible that every single result will be better than the last, or in time we'd expire. OK, we'll expire anyway, but hopefully in decades into the future, but hopefully you get my point.

In my observation, some Docs, nurses or whatever just seem to have an expectation that people will take meds, which I think is mainly because we're in the minority in making sustained lifestyle changes.

If your weight loss journey is still ongoing, she may be trying to help you out there. Some people find it very helpful to trimming up.

I don't know what sort of diet you have adopted, but if you are using a low carb diet, you should have a read up about Empagliflozin as it can get a bit "complicated".

I don't write that to attempt to influence you or scare you, but to try to ensure if you do go down this route you know both the pros and cons of the approach
I won’t give my experience of empagliflozin as it sounds like you’ve read enough experiences of people getting DKA on it, and it does work well for many. I would say to be aware it isn’t advised to do an extremely low carb diet whilst taking it, so it may not be for you if very low carb is your lifestyle choice. If you do take it read up on the symptoms of DKA and test for ketones if you feel unwell with those symptoms.
Empagliflozin is an SGLT2 inhibitor, also known as Jardiance

There are a few threads on the forum about it (not all complimentary!)

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