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I believe some studies have shown Metformin reduces hunger and this leads to weight loss due to the cut in calorific intake,

However, it's not been particularly well studied. (To be fair, Metformin is still a bit of a mystery.)
I believe some studies have shown Metformin reduces hunger and this leads to weight loss due to the cut in calorific intake,

However, it's not been particularly well studied. (To be fair, Metformin is still a bit of a mystery.)
Metformin has never done either for me.
I’ve said exactly this to my dr before - I’d rather stick to basal bolus than try all these new t2 meds with potential new side effects. I know what I’m doing with insulin.
I too have had this convo with my DNS who was considering putting me back on tablets and I said the exact same thing, I have my insulin regime now and it is working so why would i change for something that is not guaranteed to work and comes with potential side effects.
I've been on Empagliflozin 10mg and Metformin SR 2000mg since May last year. Metformin was not really achieving anything, neither weight loss, nor bringing my HbA1c down. I was offered choice of Empagliflozin or Trulicity injections, but didn't fancy weekly injections, not to mention the number of stories of shortages in the media at the time.

Anyway, Empagliflozin dropped my HbA1c from 53 to 48 in about 2 months. My annual review in December saw it down to 46. Weight loss has been good too. I lost around 9lb in the first 2 months on it, having previously struggled to lose anything. Weight loss then slowed a little, but I got to my annual review having lost 21lbs in total since being put on it.

In terms of side effects, I've not had any; certainly nothing unpleasant. Yes, I've been peeing more than previously, but I've found I pee less if I eat 'better' (I won't say lower carb, as I test BGs and try to eat mostly those carbs that I tolerate better).
If I have a bad day and/or eat lots of carbs that I don't tolerate well, then I do find that I spend a while running to the loo, but I'm aware of it, and understand why. I was told by my GP that I should be scrupulous about hygiene down below to avoid UTIs which are a big risk, which I am anyway. The other piece of advice I was given was to drink plenty of water (the leaflet I was given says a minimum of 2 litres sugar free fluids per day), and on days I don't achieve this, I do notice I feel sluggish and suffer badly with a dry mouth.

I probably have more issues with Metformin to be honest, to the point I was told by my GP to take all 4 tablets in the evening, as I suffer badly with bloating and wind that was bordering on anti-social during the day . I've already had it added to my notes that once my HbA1c comes down to a satisfactory level, I want to cut the Metformin before the Empagliflozin, so that should give you an idea of my feelings about Empagliflozin (that it's the much better drug).
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