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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi new 2 forum and reletavely new 2 diabetes diagnosed 2008, need many questyions answered wen i can get my head 2getha.🙂
Hi Emma. 🙂 Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy your stay here. As the Eagles once said, "you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!". :D

When you're ready, ask away. I'm sure someone will be able to answer for you.
You do? :D Haha nice one.

Am I allowed to ask how old you are then? I'm 25. 😉
oh im 42 and male😱:D. my 1st question is the doctor has told me i dont need 2 have a is it a bllod sugar machine, cos my diabetes is controlled well by metformin is that so .
So you're not called Emma then? 😛

I think Type 2s have problems getting a blood sugar meter from their DSN, judging by previous threads here. As a Type 1 I seem to get what I need but Type 2s have to fight for it.

Perhaps look up the NICE guidelines for diabetes and use that with your DSN?
hi and a warm welcome emmasamduke to the forum,the blood glucose meter is what takes your blood and tells you your levels, im guessing by what you say your doing ok on the pills and he thinks your doing a good enough job without the machine x
thank u steff, u will av 2 bear with me cos im not very good with computers and im looking all over 2 find any replys and 2 send bk 😱
thank u steff, u will av 2 bear with me cos im not very good with computers and im looking all over 2 find any replys and 2 send bk 😱
If you look at the bottom right of each post you'll see some buttons. "Quote" to quote that post and "Quote+" to allow you to quote up to 3 (I think) posts together. Just select the three posts you want to reply to, then press Quote on one of them and you should get all three loaded up for you to write your response to. 🙂
yea just have a browse around and get the feel of things , it will come eventually we all had to start as a newby one time or another , and you can always ask always some one here to help x 🙂
Hello and Welcome to the forum 🙂🙂Anything you want to know just ask :D
hi my name is andrew and i have 2 main health issuses i was diagnosed type2 in dec 2008 and same time diagnosed WPWS, i had op 4 WPWS then bout April began suffering very severe anxiety and panick attacks GP wanted me 2 take anti depressants but i fear taking the tablets, i know its the health issues that brought the anxiety on but i just dont know how 2 handle it wen it comes on . Any suggestions would be much appreciated.:confused:
oh im 42 and male😱:D. my 1st question is the doctor has told me i dont need 2 have a is it a bllod sugar machine, cos my diabetes is controlled well by metformin is that so .

Hi and welcome.

I am type 2 controled by tablets. I got my puncture kit (glucometer) from the hospital on the one day they gave me to teach me about diabetes. My GP prescribes the test strips and the lancets. I have three monitors, one at home one at work and one in my bag so that I am never too far away from being able to test

Testing gives you an idea of what affects your sugars most and least. If you start to feel not quite right it will show if your sugars are high (always makes me more cranky and itching for a fight) or low (hypo [makes you hot and sweaty some poeple describe it as feeling drunk]).
Hi Andrew welcome to the forum hope you find it helpful. Quick question if you don't mind me asking what's WPWS?

Hi Andrew welcome to the forum hope you find it helpful. Quick question if you don't mind me asking what's WPWS?


Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome?


I can't offer any advice Andrew, I'm afraid, as I'm unfamiliar with this. It might be worth trying the medication your doctor suggests and seeing how it goes. I was VERY anti-medication whaen diagnosed (May 2008), but I've since accepted that I need some help to stay in the best possible health I can to help me cope with the diabetes.
Hi Andrew welcome to the forum hope you find it helpful. Quick question if you don't mind me asking what's WPWS?


I was wondering the same thing Emma . Thanks Northerner , you really do learn something new everyday!! 🙂🙂
Hi Andrew and welcome to the forum, the folk in these here parts are mighty helpful, you won't have unanswered questions for long, lol.

Re the BG meter - I'm a Type 2, and my DSN suggested suggested I buy one, so I can keep a check on things - I asked if the needles and strips would be available on prescription, and she said they would. They aren't very expensive to buy (well, the meters aren't, the rest is!), but having said that, I've sent away for a freebie - still waiting for it, mind you!! 🙄

Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome?


I can't offer any advice Andrew, I'm afraid, as I'm unfamiliar with this. It might be worth trying the medication your doctor suggests and seeing how it goes. I was VERY anti-medication whaen diagnosed (May 2008), but I've since accepted that I need some help to stay in the best possible health I can to help me cope with the diabetes.
thanx emma very much i just have a fear ov taking anti depressants,and yes it is wolf-parkinson-white-syndrome. I am really considering taking them though cos need the anxiety 2 go . now i dont know weather only u will see this or evry1 cos i aint got 2 grips properly with how 2 send and reply and who 2 reply 2 but if all can see then thanks 2 all who replied
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