Emergency situations

Oh Goodness! I am so sorry to hear that Lucy. You must be so worried to get that devastating blow on top of the trauma of last week. I hope there are some other treatment options for him. Sending virtual (((HUGS))) Can totally understand you being wiped out by the stress and anxiety of it all even without your ME.
How is your shoulder? Hope that was just a transient strain.
Thanks for asking, bit of a stressful day to be honest as I took him to the cancer consultant today and he can’t have any more chemo given it’s caused a heart attack. I’m wiped out and ready for bed and it’s not even 6pm.
Gosh that's tough. Are they able to offer any other treatment? Hope you have a restful sleep.
How is your shoulder? Hope that was just a transient strain.
My left shoulder is much better, my right shoulder still aches a little but im right handed so use it more. I imagine it will recover tomorrow maybe.
Gosh that's tough. Are they able to offer any other treatment? Hope you have a restful sleep.
The priority is his heart and the next operation on that before any further cancer treatment could be considered. Hopefully the wait list isn’t too long for the heart operation, but needs to recover more first.
@Lucyr , on a serous note; it seems there are strong genetic or familial links to these kinds of cardiac events. Have you been screened at all, to ensure any such risks are mitigated?
@Lucyr , on a serous note; it seems there are strong genetic or familial links to these kinds of cardiac events. Have you been screened at all, to ensure any such risks are mitigated?
My heart has been screened previously and I do have a letter sort of diagnosing me with mild Long QT after the screening, but it was very mild and they couldn’t quite decide so I just take beta blockers to manage it. I have also had heart surgery for SVT in the past.

As I’ve now resusitated two of my sisters (both first time was pre age 18 and one multiple times by various other people too) and my dad, none lifestyle related causes (epilepsy, anaphylaxis and chemo), I do think I will work more on improving my diet and exercise to improve heart health. The genetics aren’t seeming favourable!
My heart has been screened previously and I do have a letter sort of diagnosing me with mild Long QT after the screening, but it was very mild and they couldn’t quite decide so I just take beta blockers to manage it. I have also had heart surgery for SVT in the past.

As I’ve now resusitated two of my sisters (both first time was pre age 18 and one multiple times by various other people too) and my dad, none lifestyle related causes (epilepsy, anaphylaxis and chemo), I do think I will work more on improving my diet and exercise to improve heart health. The genetics aren’t seeming favourable!

I blame it all on my parents..........

(As said to me, only slightly tongue in cheek by someone I know who has been dealt quite a harsh genetic hand of cards)