Embarrassing Bodies C4 9pm

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Oops, the kid with lice was a girl, I thought it was a boy with long hair. no wonder they didn't shave it off 😉

How will that poor man ever use his bottom again after that surgery? Very scary.

Perfect example of someone who has been to the docs but sent home with a treatment that doesn't fix the problem. Poor guy, that looked so painful 😱

the diabetic lol thats wat they called me at school pmsl only joking!😉

lol! :D

No the Diabetic hasn't been on. Guess it's the same kid as this seems to be a revisiting show?!
oh dear looks like im gonna be quipped about this now 🙄
At least we now know where rich kids go to get their nits seen to lol.
Sorry Gang I can only apologize for the non appearance of the diabetic they said it was coming but they didn't. sorry for the for the false alarm

I'll get me coat
Sorry Gang I can only apologize for the non appearance of the diabetic they said it was coming but they didn't. sorry for the for the false alarm

I'll get me coat

No problems Donald - it says the same in my TV guide too. Perhaps they have changed the output order of the programs and it's next week.
No problems Donald - it says the same in my TV guide too. Perhaps they have changed the output order of the programs and it's next week.

ok Northerner just feel a bit 😱😱
oh dear looks like im gonna be quipped about this now

If you mean 'the diabetic thing' I wasn't referencing you, I was calling him a diabetic too.

Sorry Gang I can only apologize for the non appearance of the diabetic they said it was coming but they didn't. sorry for the for the false alarm

I'll get me coat

Sorry kate I put too much trust in to the tv guide😱😱

Don't worry, my dad also pointed the programme out after reading the TV guide! :D and It mentions the diabetic (my own words) kid on the online guide I always check 🙂
How will that poor man ever use his bottom again after that surgery? 😱 Very scary.

I can't believe Im looking up someone's rear bottom on the TV like this! 😱 Good lord- this is there series about being too embarassed to go to the GP??:confused: I might go blind watching this.

Sorry Gang I can only apologize for the non appearance of the diabetic they said it was coming but they didn't. sorry for the for the false alarm

I'll get me coat

Donald, consider this possably the end of our forum friendship- I have just endured a man having his rear disected for 20mins....thank goodness I am watching on 4+1 and have been saved the next 40 minutes!!!
I can't believe Im looking up someone's rear bottom on the TV like this! 😱 Good lord- this is there series about being too embarassed to go to the GP??:confused: I might go blind watching this.

Donald, consider this possably the end of our forum friendship- I have just endured a man having his rear disected for 20mins....thank goodness I am watching on 4+1 and have been saved the next 40 minutes!!!

Yes It did look like a horror show the surgery scenes were a bit full on.
hope it did not put you off me all together (Crawl Crawl)
Yes It did look like a horror show the surgery scenes were a bit full on.
hope it did not put you off me all together (Crawl Crawl)

He he he he he :D

If I'm looking at the positives Donald, it goes to show our dedication to the knowledge of the D that we all sat through that mans .....bottom!

It was a test and we passed! 🙂
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