Easter eggs and pre diabetes

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What does everyone do around Easter regarding chocolate? My husband is stuck as to what to get me. I’m dairy free and low carb. Any help appreciated. I’m a dark chocolate fan

Happy early Easter

What does everyone do around Easter regarding chocolate? My husband is stuck as to what to get me. I’m dairy free and low carb. Any help appreciated. I’m a dark chocolate fan

Happy early Easter

I follow the usual Easter chocolate convention and eat it.

Obviously choose a dairy free dark one if that’s what you like.
I don't bother.
Is that because you can’t eat it in a portion that works for your diabetes, or a choice that you would make regardless of diabetes?

What does everyone do around Easter regarding chocolate? My husband is stuck as to what to get me. I’m dairy free and low carb. Any help appreciated. I’m a dark chocolate fan

Happy early Easter
My wife always gets me a dark chocolate one. Easter's one of the handful of occasions when I allow myself a break from my regular diet and allow myself a treat. Can't wait for Sunday when we exchange eggs.
Thanks for replying. My husband works in a health shop( greenlife) they do have dark chocolate so maybe a little one would be ok. It’s the sugar
You could try having a small amount each day. If you cannot do that and you are likely to eat it all in one go I probably would not have one.

I can eat one biscuit from a tin or packet or one small choc from a box but others I know will sit and eat the lot in which case it is probably best not to have them in the house.

A lady I worked with once ate a whole tray of Ferro Rocher at one sitting and she was trying to lose weight!!
Thanks for replying. My husband works in a health shop( greenlife) they do have dark chocolate so maybe a little one would be ok. It’s the sugar
Have whatever size you like, don’t eat it all in one go if it’s massive

What does everyone do around Easter regarding chocolate? My husband is stuck as to what to get me. I’m dairy free and low carb. Any help appreciated. I’m a dark chocolate fan

Happy early Easter
I’m T1 supposed to be able to bolus for what I like. I get my wife an egg. She reciprocates with flowers.
There is some dark chocs that are lower in sugar.
Lol, as a husband. I do my own research.

Best wishes & happy Easter. To the both of you’s.
I have a square of dark 70% chocolate most days and I can manage that OK If I had an egg, I would lose control because it doesn't break into single portions that I could ration and I would just guzzle the lot, so best left for others. I just have no control once I start.

My partner has a Cadbury's egg that I gave him, still left from last Easter. I hope he never opens it because if he does, I will be tempted to snaffle some and then some more and before I knew where I was. it would be gone. As long as it remains unopened I am safe!
I could so very easily go back to my former, sugar addict self with the slightest encouragement.
*stands up*
Hi my name is nic, and I'm a recovering sugar addict ... It's been 7 weeks and 6 days ... oh wait, this is not sugar addicts anonymous!
*sits back down*
*stands up*
Hi my name is nic, and I'm a recovering sugar addict ... It's been 7 weeks and 6 days ... oh wait, this is not sugar addicts anonymous!
*sits back down*
I’ll join you in the meeting if it’s for chocoholics too!
I don’t receive an Easter egg and haven’t since I was a child. I buy my children and grandchildren them but I’m not bothered about getting one. I eat chocolate everyday whether it’s Easter or not so it seems pointless to me paying over the odds for a fancy packaged expensive egg shaped lump of chocolate!
I won't bother either but I have a terrible relationship with food and I worry that once I start eating rubbish again, I will never stop!

I will buy myself a lovely bunch of flowers probably 😉
I won't bother either but I have a terrible relationship with food and I worry that once I start eating rubbish again, I will never stop!

I will buy myself a lovely bunch of flowers probably 😉
I would not do the flowers , I prefer mine in the garden.
Hi. Check the chocolate sugar content. Hotel Chocolate do reasonable Dark.
I have never, ever imagined eating a whole half of an Easter egg in one go. I like to actually enjoy eating whatever it is I happen to eat. Chocolate on its own is best savoured slowly, melting gently in my mouth, it's only if it has a filling that I bite it.
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