Early Diabetis Changes to eyes

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i suppose im the only on on here this paranoid am i ?


No you aint! 🙄 I worry all the time, this is a truly horrible thing to have to worry about especially when you have a good control... Its important not to let it get on top of you because then you spend more time worrying than just getting on with and enjoying your life 🙄

plus the way i see it (this is meant as a joke btw) I might get mowed down by a bus one day, and diabetes will not even be a factor in the way my life ends 😉 you just never know what the future might hold is what I mean to say xx
No you aint! 🙄 I worry all the time, this is a truly horrible thing to have to worry about especially when you have a good control... Its important not to let it get on top of you because then you spend more time worrying than just getting on with and enjoying your life 🙄

plus the way i see it (this is meant as a joke btw) I might get mowed down by a bus one day, and diabetes will not even be a factor in the way my life ends 😉 you just never know what the future might hold is what I mean to say xx

I got my background retinopathy when I was 20 and it really scared me lots......the irony is that I still "only" have background retinopathy 22 years later, but now have other eye problems. When I was young my mum used to say don't worry you could get knocked down by a bus.....but she stopped saying that when I had a bad car crash at 23 and they had to take me out via the roof!!!! The diabetic things are really scary but we don't know what is going to happen so whenver possible (and it isn't always easy) try to focus on the good things - at a minimum we are alive and well enough to "talk" on this discussion board and enjoy each others company, we can enjoy every day that life brings to us - and we never know what other good things might happen e.g. if somebody had told me that this time last year I would meet both Benny and Bjorn of Abba I would never have believed them, but I did! sorry just realised that this message is getting rather long - in essence yes the diabetes is very scary and we have a lot of bad days but whenever possible (and it's not always easy) try to focus on the good things
Thanks Aj,

it just feels so hard to get on at the mo and everyday its the D word on my mind all the time. I am trying to be positive but it keeps kicking me all the time. Tonight i felt like having a beer as my family is also going throgh a lot..
But again i think i cant because of D..

Thanks Aj,

it just feels so hard to get on at the mo and everyday its the D word on my mind all the time. I am trying to be positive but it keeps kicking me all the time. Tonight i felt like having a beer as my family is also going throgh a lot..
But again i think i cant because of D..

Hi Mark I am so sorry to hear about the difficulties you are facing. It will get better and don't worry about having a beer, we're human first and diabetic second - it's about having a balance. I don't like beer but I do enjoy wine and cocktails - I would never have dared to get photos taken with Benny and Bjorn if I had been sober!! I really do understand how difficult it is but it will get easier, please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help. Lots of hugs
Its the paranoia i had a terrible bad atack of it yesterday it was that bad i was a swine to my partner. I even felt suicidal yesterday.. I woke up in a better mood but again the mood declined. I looked at my girls today when we were in the car and thought they will be either talking to a blind man soon or putting flowers on my grave soon.

I then started thinking not long and ill be also banned from driving...

We have just had our dinner fish with rice and boiled potatoes. And while i was eating that i thought here is me trying to be healthy and its all to late..
As my body is failing..

This is a typical day now for me total tourment.

Hi Mark

You really need to talk to somebody professional about your fears. They will be able to help you, which can only help your girls and partner.

It's not doing your health any good by being stressed about things.

Hi Mark

You really need to talk to somebody professional about your fears. They will be able to help you, which can only help your girls and partner.

It's not doing your health any good by being stressed about things.


ditto .....mark you are seeing your gp soon please tell them about all of this .... i am on antidepressants have been for donkeys years now best thing i ever did to be honest took all that angst away to deal with my everyday dealings/relationships
it doesnt take away the reality ..but just helps deal with it ...i remeber saying to my gp when he dx me with stress related Depression that athough nothing had actually changed i could rationally deal with it all ....when i was 1st dx with T2 Diabetes i was devastated with so much guilt ...but this place has helped so much ...please keep posting x
PS i love having fish !🙂
pps sorry dizzy for hijacking you thread x
Yeah sorry for hijacking too don't mean to annoy anyone...


no elwood i was talking about me going on not you hunni x pm me if you want im off for Tea in a mo but back later x 🙂
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