Early Diabetis Changes to eyes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
That's me now!!

But I suppose the good news is it can't be that bad as they have said will see you again in 12 months time :(
I have the same...............tiny wee leaks...and I mean tiny..............im on blood pressure tablets because of it...................
I have the same...............tiny wee leaks...and I mean tiny..............im on blood pressure tablets because of it...................

Hi novo do you have high blood pressure as well or are the tablets just for your eyes ?
I've got the same Di - I also have high blood pressure and am on medication for it. If they don't want to see you for another 12 months, then it's probably nothing to worry about. In my case, I'm being sent to the eye hospital for further investigation as the changes are close to the macula. Hoping it won't need treatment! 😱

It's quite possible that the changes will disappear by the time of your next appointment.
Hi novo do you have high blood pressure as well or are the tablets just for your eyes ?

I would say no, but I think its a tiny bit higher for a 26 year old...........simply put if I wasnt diabetic with retinopathy its unlikely I woul be on them
the good thing about the eye is if there is a leak , new blood vessels grow, unlike anywhere else i believe, the only problem is they are much weaker than normal................
I have changes too, if it makes you feel any better :D Ive also only ever been told to go back in 12 months.
my first one they said there was backgound stuff ...see in 12 months ...second one all fine see in 12 months ...if that helps at all x🙂
my first one they said there was backgound stuff ...see in 12 months ...second one all fine see in 12 months ...if that helps at all x🙂

you mean u no longer have background retinopathy?
you mean u no longer have background retinopathy?

well the second test didnt say so ...:confused: but 🙂 before dx i used to get eye bleeds ...but havent since ...fingers crossed x
I've got the same Di - I also have high blood pressure and am on medication for it. If they don't want to see you for another 12 months, then it's probably nothing to worry about. In my case, I'm being sent to the eye hospital for further investigation as the changes are close to the macula. Hoping it won't need treatment! 😱

It's quite possible that the changes will disappear by the time of your next appointment.

Hi Northie, The letter I got was the same one as last year

'evidence of early diabetic changes........meanwhile any possible improvement in blood glucose.....blah de blah'

Doh like I dont already know that.

I think these monkeys send same standard letter year in if it is the same unless there has been a significat change to try and encourage good control.

Funny thing is the optician who I saw showed me everything on screen and zoomed in on the images and had a right good look and he said he could not see anything. I explained I got letter last year which stated as above.

He thinks what they could be seeing if the sign's of my laser eye surgery from 3 years ago - but who know!!

Fingers crossed your peepers are ok.
Di x
Same as that, some early changes, come back next year, although the scanning mush said he couldnt see anything obvious, do you think perhaps its a standard policy to encourage good control?
To be honest it scared me shitless! (-;
Mmmm, I got the same letter after my test. I have brought my BS levels right down and one friend insists on saying that I am no longer diabetic but I point out that there has already been some changes to my eyes because of it so ... Makes me wonder that if I had started to lose weight earlier and then my regular blood test that first showed problems had not shown them, would I have missed the damage to the eyes?

Who knows? But I care.
Mmmm, I got the same letter after my test. I have brought my BS levels right down and one friend insists on saying that I am no longer diabetic but I point out that there has already been some changes to my eyes because of it so ... Makes me wonder that if I had started to lose weight earlier and then my regular blood test that first showed problems had not shown them, would I have missed the damage to the eyes?

Who knows? But I care.

Sorry but your 'friend' is obviously not a medical professional, i was in denial for a while but the doctor explained to me that now im a diabetic i will always be a diabetic, its apparently all about control.
The way i understood it was about Christmas day for instance, if we completely over indulged our blood sugars would be all over the place where hers wouldnt be as her pancreas would sort it and ours wouldnt! apparently we are prone to this and always will be.
I think your friend is just jealous and wants to be in our gang 😉
Jeff, worryingly she is quite savvy about diet and nutrition. Her husband was diagnosed as diabetic but through diet and exercise she has managed to get his levels to normal but she won't have him marked as diabetic. He must have been borderline as he was referred to a consultant at the hospital and she delayed the appointment and had him have more tests to show that he wasn't diabetic. It worries me because of things like the eye test and other aspects. But she is a lovely person, just mis-guided on this.
I've just been reading all the posts this conditon seems quite common ??
But again today ive really beat mtself up about it here are the things that have gone through my head

1. i have a month old son ill be blind before he is 2

2. I will be either dead or in a wheelchair due to loosing limbs
by the time my kids are older..

3. i won't see my twin girls married as ill be blind

4. im gonna get more bad news this week from the nurse
telling me my organs are failing.

5.and if i do reach my 50's my life will be a total nightmare due to all
the comlications i'll have.

I feel like a freak thinking all this i thought id beat hypocondria whenn i was a kid but now its back stronger.

Mark, there's an awful lot that can overwhelm you about diabetes, so it's not surprising that so much of it is frightening and distressing. But take comfort from the fact that we have loads of members here who have had diabetes for decades and are still in possesion of all their limbs, organs and eyes. And bear in mind that treatments were nowhere near as good as they are now, and the whole business was a lot more restrictive and difficult to manage.

Try not to dwell on the negatives. From what I've seen of your efforts to date, you have made huge improvements to your health, so you will have far LESS to worry about as you get older - and you will be fitter and better able to enjoy your children as they grow up. 🙂
i suppose im the only on on here this paranoid am i ?


I don't think you are the only person fearful of things Mark, I think it is very common amongst those recently diagnosed. But I do think it will get better and there is light at the end of the tunnel, so don't castigate yourself for feeling this way.
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