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DVLA & Diabetes

This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
DVLA want to know whether diabetics would like to tell them about our medical problems online instead of post or phone?

Yes PLEASE - much quicker hopefully as everything posted has to be scanned before it gets on their system so if you need to speak to them about it, that takes even longer meanwhile you have no idea whether it even got there!

Please complete this Survey from them https://www.snapsurveys.com/wh/s.asp?k=142591000740
Done! I'd much rather deal with things on line.
All done and asked to be involved in other research questions as well
I am sceptical that this will help us The problem is they don't listen to reason.
I am sceptical that this will help us The problem is they don't listen to reason.

Well - its a quantum leap for them to ask the relevant people directly for their opinion so I'm quite hopeful myself Vic !
I am sceptical that this will help us The problem is they don't listen to reason.

Lol the computer probably wont work anyway.
DEFFRA have introduced a new computer system cost about 25 million I think. The idea it was then compulsory to do all claims and registration on line. It doesn't work so they have now sent out emails to everyone to fill in the maps etc., by hand as normal. 🙄
Visual fields test failure due to faulty machine

I have taken the dvla visual fields test over the last 15 years and passed every time. Last year I had my usual hospital check up (I had laser 18 years ago...all good.... no changes...sight unchanged). I passed at the hospital...one month later almost to the day August 2014 I went to the opticians specified by the dvla...test was awful missed a lot of the lights...one week later licence revoked.
I have spent the last year paying a fortune in cabs, relying on family and friends for lifts.
Last week I receive a letter from the dvla informing me that the machine was at fault and the lights didn't shine like they should!
Has anyone else had this letter? It was so traumatic losing my licence after 30 years of driving. How many others have had this? Has anyone complained to the opticians who have the contract> Is it the dvla's machine or the opticians? Who is responsible for this **** up? Arrgghhhhhhhh
Yeah am waiting for advocacy team to get back to me. Specsavers have the dvla contract...I just thought there may be more people as when you google the issue it says there was a big problem when ss took over...it has been really disruptive to my life and if it was as a result of faulty equipment as the dvla letter states then I am really angry.
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.